Chapter 5

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It's 7:30 in the morning and Elliot just got to work and Liv hasn't arrived yet. So Elliot goes into Captain Cragen's office to tell him about what happened at Livie's apartment yesterday night. 

"Cap I think something's wrong with Liv."

"What do you mean Stabler she's fine."

"Did she not tell you?" El questioned.

"Tell me what? Stabler tell me"

"2 days ago Kathy and Derek were caught sleeping together, and then yesterday Liv got her DNA test results back. She found out she has a paternal half brother and her father raped her mother and she is the product of the rape." Elliot told him.

"Damn that's a lot in 2 days. What makes you think something is wrong with her."

"Yesterday when she got the results she ran to the bathroom and started crying and that's why she left early yesterday. And then I ran by her house later that night and when I got there I could tell she had been crying. Then when i was leaving I gave her a hug and she screamed and played it of like I stepped on her toe." Elliot described.

"I will talk to her later and make sure she's ok."

Later that day Cap went and talked to her and she said she was fine and that was no reason to worry. But  that's Olivia Benson for you. After the work day was over she went back to her apartment and did they same thing. Took the blade and dragged it across her wrists until they were covered. She felt as if she needed to do more, she then took the blade and pressed it into her thighs. She finally felt something.

The next day they  had a really tough case. William Lewis. He was a suspect in public flashing in the city park. When they brought him in they discovered he burnt off his fingerprints. He soon developed a personal vendetta against Detective Olivia Benson. That night after he was released and Olivia went home she was greeted with a gun to her head held by William Lewis. 

"Hello detective Benson."

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