Chapter 9

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"I've been an SVU detective for 15 years and how did I fall into this trap? I know better, I deal with this every day. How did he even get into my house?" Olivia thought to herself as she awaited the arrival of Lewis once more. As soon as Lewis walked in the room Olivia tried to act like she was still asleep but Lewis knew better.

"Come on Olivia, I know better than that. Wake up, slut. I know you're trying to act like you're asleep, I know you're now. Nice try. Wake up or you're gonna regret it."

As soon as he said that Olivia's eyes opened faster than lightning. Olivia has never been scared of anyone or anything in her life, but for some reason, Lewis scared the shit out of her. Lewis then took the coat hanger and bent it in the shape of an s. He held the coat hanger over the stove burner and waited until the metal was flaming red. Lewis took the hot coat hanger and firmly pressed it into Olivia's chest, marking his territory. Lewis wanted Olivia to think of him every day by seeing this. After hearing the screeching Olivia was making he took it over again and continued to press the letters onto Olivia's chest. When he was done her chest was red and read "slut." He looked Olivia in the eyes as she was crying her eyes out as she was just branded.

"Now every day when you look into the mirror this will remind you of me. You can never get rid of me Olivia, I will always be a part of your life. And whoever wants to date you will always be sure to know who you really are, you won't be allowed to lie anymore." 

Rose could no longer stand Olivia's screaming and Lewis's taunting.

"I have a question? What did Olivia do to make you hate her so much? What did she do to deserve all of this?"

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