Rolos Blake!

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A/N-- *Warning* I am not a very talented famous author with many published books. So please no hate comments. If you don't like the book just don't read it. Thank-you hope you enjoy!
Athena's P.O.V

"Athena...Athena!!!" Yelled my little sister Penelope. "Ugh! Five more minutes." I started to dose off again when I felt her little paws clawing at my blanket. "P stop! I want to sleep!" I whined as I shoved her off of me. I heard a thud on the floor followed by a little "Oof! Owe that hurt you big meanie! Momma said wake up cause it's already 8:20, and you're going to be late." She recited to me.

"Crap!" I got up and ran to my bathroom. I can't believe I'm going to be late to the first day of my senior year! I looked in the mirror, and saw the monstrosity of my poofy hair. "Ugh! Curse my mixed blood!" My mom was African and my dad was Caucasian .Which resulted in me getting super curly frizzy hair that took more than an hour to comb all out. Most mornings (like now) I just calm it down with a little water and just leave it. After my hair I ran to my closet and pulled out a pair of light jean shorts that were a little high waisted, and a light blue t-shirt. I got changed and sped downstairs.

As I got to the kitchen I saw my brother Grayson finishing a plate of eggs and bacon. Lucky. I grabbed an apple and the car keys while I searched for my converse. It was already 8:45 and the late bell rings at 9:05. I ran around the house like a crazy person for two minutes before my dad walked up to me. "Looking for these?" He held up my converse. "Yes thank you so much dad!" I kissed him on the cheek and put them on. "Athena come on we're going to be late!" Grayson yelled. I ran to the car grabbing my bag on the way out. We got in and sped off to school.

"You take for-ever getting ready, and now I'm late!" Grayson whined. "Oh shut up big baby we still have 8 minutes to spare." " I am not a baby I'm only a year younger than you!" Grayson (which you just found out) is in his junior year of high school. And little P is turning 5 in two months.

We got to school at 9:00. We hurried in and I took out my schedule. "Just great!" I mumbled to my self.
-Math -Mr. Murdock
- English -Mrs. Whites
-Science -Ms. Manor
-Drawing -Mr. Stokes
I only have one period that isn't a chore class. And I don't even like drawing! I only have it cause I still needed an art credit to graduate. *BEEP*BEEP* The warning bell sounded at 9:03. Oh sh*t! I ran up the stairs and down the halls as fast as I could. Why did my first class have to be on the other side of the school? I ran in the classroom just in time to see the teacher I hated the most glaring at me. Well this is my senior year why not have a little fun! Muahaha!
Tobias' P.O.V

       It was 7:45 and I was already ready for school. I was walking around the pack house making sure everyone was going to be on time. "Alpha!" My beta called me. "Ya?" "I'm still not understanding why we're going to this school." "Because to a human it's pretty weird that a bunch of teenagers aren't going to school." I answered him. Every time my pack would go out to the town the humans gave them weird looks because everyone else would be in school. "But why a human school?" We continued our conversation as I went to go get breakfast. "It was the closest one to the pack house. And, the principal just joined this pack. So if anyone gets out of line he knows to go to me for there punishment." I replied. He left satisfied with the answers I gave him. I knew it was going to be tough for my pack. Most of them spent their whole lives not having to hide there wolf.

        By the time everyone was starting to leave the house it was 8:50. I went up to my office to check up with the guards to ensure the safety of my pack. After they told me there weren't any rouges at the school I grabbed my keys and headed out.

        When I got there most of my pack was already to their classes. I looked at my schedule.
-English -Mrs.Smith
-P.E. -Coach Hadkins
-Science -Ms. Manor
-Math - Mr. Murdock
I looked at the clock. 9:00. I headed off to my first class hoping everything will go smoothly, and my pack will behave.
Athena's P.O.V

       I spent my entire first and second period coming up with a prank to play on Mr. Murdock. I couldn't think of anything but stupid pranks you see in the movies. Like egging or clear wrapping his car. I decided to give up and ask my best friends Kennedy and Blake at lunch. *Beep*Beep* Finally food! My tigress Elena purred.

         I practically ran to the cafeteria. I was so hungry cause I only ate half of an apple. Before I could finish it this morning jerkface Murdock made me throw it away. I swear if the school wasn't for humans that didn't know about my kind Elena would've jumped up and tackled him to the ground. If you haven't noticed I love food. But I mean, who doesn't?

        When I got to the cafeteria Blake and Kennedy where waiting for me. I snuck up and pounced on Blake's back. "Ah!" He screamed as he jumped. "Why hello Athena. It's nice to see you even though Elena practically clawed my back up!" "It's nice to see you too Blake, but it wasn't Elena." I replied sweetly with a smirk. Blake is a were-cat too, but Kennedy isn't. She's a werewolf, but our parents where friends before we where born so we are practically sisters. She belongs to the local Red Blood Moon Pack. "I missed you so much!" She said as she hugged me tightly. "Need...breath." "Oh be quite you know I could never actually crush you that hard." She replied letting me go.

        We walked to the lunch line. Kennedy and I got our usual 3 slices of pizza, an Izze, a sandwich, and chips. Blake got the same thing, but with 4 slices of pizza, and 2 sandwiches. Being a were-cat or werewolf makes our appetite bigger. Like being pregnant. We have to feed our tigers and wolf too. But we didn't gain anymore wait than if we where human eating regularly. I do admit I have curves, and I could never fit into a size 2 pair of genes. I was born with a bigger butt, and boobs. But hey I'm not complaining. All though I'm not one of those girls with all that and a tiny waist.

        We walked to our table ignoring the stares we where used to seeing as they saw how much food we had. We sat down and I immediately started inhaling the food. "Woah there tiger!" Kennedy teased. "Oh shut up! " I replied. "So how was your trip to Africa?" Blake asked. Kennedy left us to go visit some of her and my mom's friends back in Kenya. Our moms grew up together there. When they got older and after Kennedy's mom got married they moved to America. Short after my mom met my dad. "It was the same as all the other trips. My mom would show me the land that my grandfather owns for all the werewolfs to live in peace. And yet again I was forced to socialize with all of his pack." She goes every few years coming back with the same reply even though me and Blake knew she secretly loved it there.

         "Ok guys, so this year is when we get revenge on the most hated teacher Mr. Murdock! So what do you guys think?" I asked them. "Really most hated? More like you have grudge against him because he doesn't let you eat in class." Blake replied. "Hey, he made me throw away an almost full bag of Rolos!" I yelled. "Rolos Blake!" "Ok, ok we get you love rolos." Kennedy said laughing. "So are you going to help me prank him, or what?" "Sure but I can't think of anything to do right now." Blake replied shoveling food into his mouth. "Oh no." Kennedy said her face going pale. "What? What is it Kennedy?" She was sitting across from me and Blake so I turned around to see what she was looking at. "It's the...the... Coming!" She whispered.

(A/N) So what do you think is coming to their table?
Will Athena get revenge on Mr. Murdock for her precious rolos?
Hoped you liked the first chapter of my book! Please vote.

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