You Don't Own Me!

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       Happy holidays! Sorry this is so late a lot of things have been going on, but I hope you enjoy the chapter! And your welcome for the pic of Theo James!

I woke up startled. Oh my gosh that bitch of a tigress Elena! I can't believe she would do that to me! And can I even trust Toby knowing that he just fucking KIDNAPPED ME! Oh when I see him he is going to get it! I need a plan first though. What should I do? Act like I'm fine then when he gets close enough BAM! Attack then tie him up and run? Or just straight out attack the next time I see him? Ooooh! Or I can not attack him, and right when he thinks I'm coming around and forgiving him then I attack! Or you can do none of those and immediately forgive him! Shut up Elena I can't deal with you right now. I'm beyond PISSED! You get NO say in this! I quickly cut off the connection so I don't have to talked to her anymore. Ok now back to the plan.

       Just when I was about to start planning again the door opened with a worried Toby walking in looking like he just got out of the shower. With his hair wet and messy yet sexy. He was only wearing a towel. He still had water droplets on him. I stared at him watching a water droplet roll down his eight pack and "V" then soak into his towel. Hot. Damn. "Like what you see?" Toby asked with a smirk. "Umm... no. Chris Evans is definitely hotter. Damn that man.... oh! Or Henry Cavill, Theo James, or Chris Hemsworth." I say dreamily while staring off into space. Those boys have me drooling every time I think about them. Toby's loud possessive growl snapped me out of my daydreaming of those sexy men.
"Do not ever speak of other men." He growled out threw gritted teeth.
"You can't tell me what to do." I said stubbornly.
"Yes I can kitten because you're mine!"
"You don't own me!" I yelled getting out of the bed and putting my hands on my hips. I am not someone's property like a toy!
"I never said I owned you."
"Well that was what you were fucking implying!"
"No it wasn't, and stop yelling."
"Yes you were and like I said before you can't tell me what to do! And if you do I'm definitely not going to fucking listen!" I screamed getting pissed off. Calm down Athena! We are his! I know you want to be his and he is ours. Shut up! If I could I would beat you up right now you are so lucky we share the same body! DO NOT SAY ANYTHING TO ME! I yelled at Elena. She's just making me even more mad. My pupils were into slits and I was shaking trying to stop from shifting. "Ugh I'm out of here." I say trying to get passed him. Before I could get to the door Toby caught my arm and pushed me up against the door. I looked into his eyes to find them pitch black. I could tell he was fighting his wolf obviously not liking the disrespect. He pinned my arms above my head and bent his head down to my neck and breathed in my sent. I swear if we start kissing like in cliche movies I'm going to scream. He moved his head up to where his mouth is by my ear. "You are pushing my buttons kitten." I couldn't say anything as I realized he dropped the towel in the process of pinning me up against the door. "I don't understand why you can't just accept us. You can move in and be treated like a queen. You will rule over thousands of werewolves following your command." Well when he puts it like that in his amazingly sexy voice and I want him to mark me right here, but I fight the urge. Stupid mate bond.
"Well one reason is you kidnapping me." I mumble. He sighs. "I know. It was stupid, but I need you. I don't know what to do it's driving me insane being away from you. I know it's only been a couple of days but I can't stand to be away from you. Please." He let go of my hands and took a step back looking at me waiting for my response. I look into his eyes and see regret and sadness. I can't stand it. Fuck it I know it's cliche but I grab his face and kiss him. He stood shocked for a bit but grabs my waste and kisses me back. I pull away before he could deepen the kiss because I remembered he dropped his towel. Well I guess I should be true to what I said earlier. He was looking at me in shock, but then a wide smile grew on his face then ..... I screamed. His face went from pain from the loudness of the scream, to shock, and then worry as he rushed to me just as I ran out of breath. Breathing heavily I held his arm to not fall. Wow I never knew I could scream for that long. New record! "Athena? What's wrong? Why did you scream? Are you hurt?" Toby said hurriedly searching my face for an answer. "No.. I'm fine... I just said if we... kiss I would.. scream." I said finally starting to catch my breath. Jeese screaming like that is hard work. "What? You screamed because we kissed?"
"You can be really crazy."
"So do you forgive me? Will you give us another chance? Please I can't live without you. Please be my queen." Toby pleaded. Please! Forgive me too!! I love you Athena you are my best friend! We are literally sharing the same body. I can't live without you. Please I'm so sorry I just wanted to be with my mate. Elena pleaded. Ugh fine. But I'm still a little mad at you!! Thank you! I love you! Ya I love me too. "Fine. I will give you a chance. But if you do anything else like that again, or treat me any less than a queen I will reject your hot sexy ass." I've never seen someone be so happy before. He picked me up twirling me around. "Thank you so much you don't know how happy I am! You are nothing less than my queen kitten." Damn why do I have to like him calling me kitten? "Well the first thing you can do for your queen is get her food." I said holding me head high straightening up. "Yes my queen." Toby said bowing. "What would you like to eat kitten?"
"Umm...Grilled cheese! Ohh!! And with tomato soup of course. And a grape Juicy Juice, juice box! Then for dessert I would like ..... um... whatever I think of at that moment."
"Yes my queen." He said grabbing my hand starting to head to the door.
"Toby!" I said in panic
"What?" He said turning around looking at me in worry.
"You don't have clothes on!"
"It's my house and there is no one else here kitten."
"Still! I don't want to see that!" I lied really all I want to do right now is take my clothes off also and... wait!! When did I become so dirty minded like that? Well actually always I just haven't had a boyfriend ever to think about it like this about. Only those hunks I listed earlier. "Haha sure you don't want to see this." Toby said stretching while going to the dresser and pulling out a pair of boxers, and putting them on. "Let's go so I can get my queen food, kitten." He said grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen. Wow. I have a hot mate. Did I really just forgive him like that then demand a grilled cheese? Damn I'm weird. Oh I should've asked for rolos! "Hey Toby? Can I get some rolos too?"
"Of course anything for you my queen."

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