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Athena's P.O.V

                   It's been two weeks, and nothing. He hasn't moved or twitched. Nothing. I'm starting to worry. Everyday I have spent in this hospital hoping he would wake, but no. Our connection is even getting weaker. I went out the other day with the girls 'cause they wanted me to get some fresh air and shop for Titan. When I came back the doctors told me I should go home because I was starting to make myself sick. I told them no and he needed me here to get better faster, but they told me my presence wasn't actually helping him anymore. Just hurting me.

             Today I got all my stuff together and I'm leaving. This is what I get for falling in love. For accepting this stupid mate thing. I should have just left the day he took me to his house. Never looking back, and being free like I wanted. Arya already took Titan back to the house. She should be here any minute. "Hey chica. Ready to go?"
"Ya. I guess."
"Look Athena, its for the best."
"I know. I know. It's just. This whole thing sucks butt." I said trying not to cry.
"Ok come on before you start crying."
She handed me Titan making Elena happier and helped me with my bags walking out. At the door I looked back at Toby. "Hold on. You go head to the car. I just need to talk to him."
"Ok do you want me to take Titan?"
"No I got him." She left the room and I walked to the bed. Since the day they told me he was in a coma I talked to him all the time. Sometimes I wish he could here me. And others I don't think he would want to. I would babble on about my childhood, or about Titan and how he's doing. Also how Titan doesn't like his name. He'll answer to baby, mister, and little prince even, but not Titan. "Hey Toby. I miss you. Titan still hates his name. But he loves you, even though he hasn't really met you. He likes holding your hand in his little tubby one."
"Like your hands?"
"Hey! My hands aren't tubby!" Wait. I'm sooooooooooooooo stupid.
"Toby!" I shot up and hugged him.
"I missed you so much! Oh this it Titan." I said pulling away holding up Titan.
"I know. You talk a lot too."
"You heard?"
"Yup. All the stories all the updates on the baby." He chuckles and sits up.
"No I loved all of it. Hearing you talk everyday was calming especially to my wolf. And I also don't like Titan's name."
"Why don't you like his name?"
"I've always wanted to name my son Theo."
"Really? Well I guess that's a good name. Hey Theo." Titan, now Theo, looks up at me and giggles.
"I guess he likes it to. Come here Theo."
I hand him Theo and sit next to him on the bed. Theo grabs his hand and holds on. He then starts teething on Toby's finger.
"Hey there mister. Let's not start bitting on people." He pulls his finger out and I giggle at him. I look at us through the reflection on the TV that's off in his room. Look at us. I went from being resentful to this mate thing and now there is 3 of us. A little family.
"Hey he looks familiar. What happened to his parents again?"
"They were the only ones killed in the attack. They were found dead protecting him and they killed the rouges before they killed him too."
"Oh ya! I knew them. Wait. They had twins. They found both of them just protecting him?"
"I don't know the details but I know they were in the same room but not the same side of the room."
"Let's go."
"But you need to take it easy." The doctor walks in and almost drops his clip board seeing Toby standing.
"Well I see you are awake. Your free to go. Your wounds have been taken care of and there isn't a thing wrong so you can leave now."
"Thank you. Let's go." All the stuff was already in the car and we got in. Arya was shocked to say the least when Toby told her to get in the back seat with Theo in his car seat. While we were driving to the house they found Theo in I updated Arya on everything.

"Split up and be quite to hear."
"Got it." "Yes Alpha." We say together. I take Theo and we all start walking in the house I stay outside and walk around a little just in case. I start walking further in the woods, but Toby calls me. I run in the house and to the room they found Theo in. He turns to face me and he has a skin and bone baby that looks like Theo in his arms crying.
"Oh my gosh!" Arya runs in and sees her. The baby looks so small and just in pain. I start crying and take the baby from him giving Arya Theo. I look down and start crying. Just like Theo I feel an instant connection and Elena claims the baby as her cub.
"We have to get it help. Now!" I start running to the car wanting to get the baby help. Toby goes and starts the car while I sit in the back after Theo is put in his car seat. Arya gets in the passenger seat and we start to the hospital.
"How did the baby even survive this long it's been a couple weeks."
"They're a werewolf so that automatically makes the baby stronger. I guess they're just a fighter." We arrive and we all run inside and Toby yells at everyone to do something and threatens to kill them all if they don't do something right now. Multiple doctors take the baby to a room and start checking and finding what specifically needs to be done. After an hour and a half they call me and Toby in. They have tubes and drips in the baby.
"Alpha. Luna. Well you have a baby girl here." Yay! A boy and a girl! How is my dream of the gender of my children come true?
"She will be fine. No stunted growth or any life long effect. She just needs nutrients and to get hydrated again. Ones she is to normal weight and she is healthy then you can take her home. It will maybe take 2 weeks before I can comfortably have this baby off of monitoring."
"Thank you so much!" I ran up and hugged him. Much to his and my surprise. He chuckles and hugs back.
"Your very welcome Luna." After a growl from Toby the doctor leaves and I walk up to my baby girl. I look down and find her peacefully sleeping.
"She's safe now. All she needs is a name. I like Tetra."
"That reminds me of that game Tetris," I say laughing.
"Ok then what do you want to name her? I named Theo."
"Let's name her..." Amber! I love it!
"Why Amber?" Why Amber? Oh!
"Like Amber Alert. Cause she was missing and your knowledge of them having twins was like the alert going out to people." He starts laughing and hugs me from behind.
"I love our new little family."
I sigh. A content happy sigh.
"Me too." Nothing will break our little family apart.

Oh how wrong I was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2017 ⏰

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