A Tornado!

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Athena P.O.V

I told Blake and Kennedy to meet me at the place. I was already there, and out of tigress form when they showed up. "What's wrong?" Kennedy said after getting dressed. "He said I had to move in with him, and be the Luna to the pack! Like... Soon!" "Well ya. I'm not a werewolf, and I know that." Blake said. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. "Well I don't want to!" "Why not?" Kennedy asked. I thought about it for awhile. I feel like I could eventually love him, and want to spend the rest of my life with him, but. With all the responsibility of being Luna. "When I turn 18 I want to be free, and only responsible for myself. Not locked in a pack house, and responsible for hundreds of people!" "Actually it's thousands." Kennedy corrected. "Whatever. That just makes it worse!" I screamed. "Well why don't you see this as an adventure?" Kennedy proposed. "Go on." "You always said you wanted to go on adventures when you turn 18. Just think of this as an adventure. I'll be there with you, and Blake will come visit." Kennedy explained. Think of it as an adventure! Elena pushed. "I don't think so. It's thousands of people I'll be the Luna to!" I exclaimed. "Just think about it please! I would love to have my best friend join my pack." "I'm sitting right here!" Blake whined. "Ok one of my best friends. I'm talking about the straight one." Kennedy said as she busted out laughing. "How did you find out about that?" "My wolf powers." She said wiggling her eyebrows. "Just kidding Rose told me." She admitted. Only my family and friends called me Rose sometimes. Blake looked at me and pouted. "Sorry! But I just had to tell her, it was hilarious!" I laughed. "Hey maybe your mate will be in the pack too. We have a lot of hunks. Then both my friends will be in my pack!" Kennedy teased. "Whatever." Blake said. "So tonight we should get together ,and discuss this. It can be at my house." Kennedy suggested. "Nah. Let's do it at my house. I don't want to go somewhere I might run into Toby." "Ok I'll buy some rolos for you." Kennedy said. "Yay!" I started bouncing up and down like Penelope does whenever she gets candy or a present. "Wait! I get one bag!" Blake said remembering. "Aww." I stopped bouncing and pouted. "Well I have to go the alpha called me. No doubt to talk about you." She said getting up. "Ok well I should probably go home too. Tell my parents everything that has happened. Bye guys." We all dispersed going to our houses.

On the way home I felt like I forgot something. Grayson. Crap! I ran to the school to see an angry Grayson sitting by himself. "Were where you!? I've been sitting here for more than half an hour!" He yelled getting mad. "I know I'm sorry something came up. I'll tell you, mom, and dad when we get home." I said walking to the car. "This better be good." He warned getting in the passenger seat.
Toby's P.O.V

        I drove home sulking. I can't believe my own mate doesn't want to be with me. Dre was so sad after she ran off he hasn't said anything. I got to the pack house and went in. Everyone was happy and talking about how fun their days where. It just made me more in a bad mood seeing everyone else so happy. I trudged to the kitchen to get food.

        Ethan just finished making a huge B.L.T. "Don't mind if I do." I said as I took a bite out of the sandwich. "Hey it took me a long time to make that!" He whined. "Well I think I need it more." I replied plopping down at the kitchen table. He studied my face and sat down across from me. "What's wrong? Your supposed to be happy and excited about finding your mate. Or did you just smell some cake?" He questioned. "No I found her. I'm fine really." "No your not. Dude I've known you since we  were born I'm not stupid." "Ok fine. She kinda... doesn't want to... be my mate." I replied. God saying it makes it worse. The effects of rejection is already setting in. "I really don't think that's it. I mean she's a were-cat right? Meaning they like more freedom, and less responsibility. Just imagine being so close to that then finding out your going to be responsible for thousands of people. It will just take her awhile to adjust." He explained. Wow he's actually right. That's a first. "You actually gave me good advice." I said surprised. "Hey I give wonderful advise!" He said defensively. "You usually make a bad joke then leave." I pointed out. "Whatever just give her some time." He said getting up to make more food. "I don't have more time." I mumbled to myself. I finished the sandwich then went to my office to think.

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