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Athena's POV

          I woke up from the best nap ever! You know the ones were you end up getting those imprint lines on ur face and arms? I look over and find the pack of rolos sitting on the bed. I start eating them peacefully when I hear a scream. I jump up and run downstairs to see whats happening. Toby rushed up to me. "You have to get to the panic rooms now! There in the pack house down the street. Other women will be guiding kids to the rooms so you will know where to go. Go now!" He rushes out. Another person comes in who I've never seen before. "Alpha we need to hurry a pup has already lost his parents in a raid on his house. Arya took him to the rooms, but she is injured." He rushed out to. "What's going on?" I asked confused out of my mind. "Rouges." Well shit. I let him go and ran down the street to the pack house. As I'm running I hear a scream off to the side in the woods. Well fuck! What do I do? Go to the pack house or help her? Something in me takes control and I sprint to where I heard the scream. I get to a little clearing and there is a rouge closing in on a girl a little older than me and a baby crying in her arms. She's blocking the baby from the rouge, but she can't fight him off cause her leg is already hurt and gushing blood. I sprint forward and shift taking the rouge by surprise and instantly going for his neck snapping it.

          I shift back and look at her. "Oh my goddess! Thank you so much! There are clothes in that tree to change into." She says pointing to the tree behind me. Out of breath I walk to the tree and pull out a big shirt but it is tight around the neck so if I bend down no one could see into the shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. There also was multiple sports bras and multiple guys and girl underwear. Wow they are thorough in stocking these trees. I found my underwear sizes and put them on then the clothes as fast as I could. "Come on we have to got to the safe rooms." I said grabbing her shoulder helping her to walk to the pack house. We got there and another girl helped her from the other side. By the time we were in the safe room everyone else that was supposed to be there was already there and we went into the last room. They shut and locked the big metal doors. The room was huge with couches and bunk beds and a door that said bathroom and one that said supplies. There was one huge tv and a few phones.

             "So what's ur name?" I ask as I set her on the couch with the baby still in her arms. "Arya." "Really?! Some guy came up to your Alpha and I was there and he told me you saved a boy!"
"Yup that's me. And this little thing just lost his parents he's actually only a day old. They didn't even get to pick a name out yet. I heard they were considering Titan." She said her eyes tearing up. "They were such good people. They sacrificed themselves for him." She continued looking down at the crying baby.
"Well I guess little Titan thanks his parents and you for his life. He will know of their bravery, selfishness, and how good of people they were." I said as medical people came up and started treating her leg. I took the baby from her arms and continued talking to distract her from the painful leg. "I guess little Titan is yours now."
"Oh no! I can't be a mom I'm only turning fifteen next week!" I looked at her shocked. She looks older than me!
"Ya I know I look older." She said laughing. "Why don't you take him luna? You are so kind saving Arya and him. You are selfless too, and look he loves you." The medic said. I looked down at the ones fussy baby and see him clinging to my shirt relaxed sleeping peacefully. Love swells in my heart. Maybe. What am I thinking? I wanted to be free and travel and now I have a baby clinging to me! This place is already changing me. Wait....how does she now I'm Luna? I looked up at her shocked and she laughed. I'm so confused. "I was helping the chef in the kitchen when he told me what you wanted for lunch and he said "the Luna" so I knew it had to be you. He said you were a tiger shifter."
"Oh my goddess you're the luna? And she is a tiger shifter I saw it, it was a white tiger. Your tigress is absolutely beautiful by the way!" Arya said going from me to the medic back to me. Elena chuffed at the mention of her being beautiful. She thinks I'm beautiful! In your face! And you do know I'm not letting you give Titan away! He's our cub now.
He's a werewolf Elena, so technically he is our pup. Yay you agreed he's ours! And I don't care he is my cub! My little cub Titan! You know I've always wanted a son named Titan! It's fate! Stop screaming! And yes I agree he is ours. He's just so cute and I have this love for him.

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