The Beginning

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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, where the city streets radiated with magic, blinding the stars at night, a boy lived. He loved illusions. They were his passion. He tried to learn how to use them. He barely did. Once upon a time, in the same land, lived a girl that could master them. Sadly, they met each other. Sadly, one of them fell in love with the other, but he somehow managed to keep his feelings cloaked from the girl for a while. Meanwhile, the girl liked to play her games, where she made other guys think that she loved them. But instead, she loved the game she had with her illusions. And the girl was really good at them, that it took a while for the boy to look through her sheets of illusions before realizing maybe he should've let go a long time ago.
He wanted a love story, but one can't always get one whenever one wants it. They're just too hard to catch.

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