The Wicked Thoughts a Vicious Mind Weaves

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But he saw her almost everyday, and they would hug and hang together from time to time, and the boy would rivet with every second he managed to get with her.
Time went by, and the boy couldn't appease his feelings. For some unknown reason, they kept growing and growing. He loved her so much, he ached. He learned that she liked to write as well as he did. But where he focused more on adventures and love stories, her stories went more physical, explicit, arousing. Yet, she was good at that game too. She was a good player at everything. She surprised him everyday.
One day, the girl had ignored him completely, and the boy couldn't do anything but wonder what he'd done. Had she learned about him? What he felt? And she didn't want to talk to him anymore because she felt disgusted by the thought of him liking her? He went like that the entire day. But it was only for a day that she ignored him.
At the end of the day, as the boy was starting to leave for home, he saw her, and she lit up. And like if her smile was a lever on him, he smiled too.
He liked the way her hair flowed behind her, always long and dark and flowy and perfect. He always wanted to tread his fingers through it. He'd thought of doing it  lot of times, but his dubious mind always made him second-guess things.
He hugged her, and held his arms around her waist. She apologized for being weird with him and told him what had happened: she'd had a dream with him, one were they had met together in a dance of love and passion between two bodies.
His legs had gone like jelly.
She had to leave, and the boy walked home, thinking what could have happened. He pondered in the many situations that could've gone by. He thought about it so much, he began to wonder about sex. Not sex with anyone, but with her. To be able to hold her like he never has like before, to kiss her, and make her feel what he felt for her, to be with her.

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