The Fall One Can't Avoid

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Time went, and summer vacations swept in. He worked on his game, making people believe he had disappeared, cloaking himself in the closing walls of his home. His family was hostile with him, treated aside. He didn't care. Loneliness was becoming his best friend, and silence his advisor. He learned to rely on both of them. He didn't talk to any of his friends in school, but he did talk to his friends from his hometown. He enjoyed that.
When school stared again, he dreaded every single moment of it. He spent every day trying not to think about her. But the harder he tried, the more the girl invaded his thoughts, the more she haunted his dreams. Slowly, without her being there, he began to fall in love.
She've told him stuff he never thought anyone would tell him. His heart broke whenever she told him her darkness, wanting to do something to paint the darkness with light, but illusions aren't permament, only temporary.
But he didn't care. She might be darkness, but the boy didn't care. He knew everyone carried sins. No one was free of guilt in life. Instead of judging her, he understood her, because he knew that's what she needed.
The girl that could control illusions had once been a wild and reckless vessel, like a lioness, fierce and merciless. She'd jumped at anyone--but only if they messed with her or her friends and family. But even amid dark, she was light. She was always with a bright smile, glaring at everyone with the warm light coating her. She was like a wildfire, and the boy was a moth. And he didn't mind her fire consuming him
He didn't mind her in a bad sense at all.

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