The Meeting of the Crowd

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He could remember the day that he first saw her. It was in their school for magic. Other people with magic were attending it. Some could fly, others were as fast as light, others strong as Hercules, others really smart, and others agile as slithering snakes. They were in their foreign language class. The boy's less favorite class. He was new at school and to his power, barely learning the way of how to use illusions. He had been using one: an illusion that covered how he felt. He looked happy, but beneath the surface, he was wrecked. He had left his family, his heart had been broken, and he missed his friends. But apparently no one suspected that. He was getting good at his game of decieving. Then, he saw her, walking around with a phone. The teacher told her to sit down and put it away, but she barely obliged; she only sat, but kept the phone in her hand. The boy didn't care about it or her. He didn't like people who went against the rules. He didn't give her any more thought. At the time, he was begining to crush on a girl that could control rain. She loved rain, but she liked somebody who played with fire. He let go of her, and it didn't hurt. He didn't hurt anymore. He'd gone through a lot already.
Then, one day, their teacher rearranged the seats of the class. The girl that could control illusions was placed in front of him, and the one that could control rain next to him. By now, that girl and him were friends. And it was until that day that both of the kids that controlled illusions met.
It wasn't anything special, stupid if anything.
"Did you hear what she said?" The boy guessed she must've been spacing out.
The boy told her what she said, and that's how a friendship between two tricksters began. After that day, they became really good friends.
The girl called him by his last name, yelling it and hugging him whenever she saw him. He began to like hearing his name being called out by her, to the point that him without hearing her yelling his name left him shallow.

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