12 : Do I have to?

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Hani walked along the crossroads.. she is crying while looking at the road..She remember what Luhan's last word before dumped her to the street..


"Ahn HeeYeon ! Im sorry just now because , i cant control myself so, . . Lets just hope that u are not pregnant because, I .... anyway , if that happens, dont find me.. " he smirk ..

Hani's heart thumped..what if..she was kneeling on the floor..her mother and sister's face playing in her mind..Jungkook...I need you right now..

Mom..im soorrry..LE unnie..im sorry..

Flashback end

Hani arrived at her house , open the door and enter her room...as she open the door, she saw her sister lying on her bed sleeping while hugging her mother's picture.. Hani run into her and hug LE..

"Unnie..i miss her too..how she doin? Is she happy there with father? "

LE kissed Hani.."Lets hope so..you must be in a hard situation right now..thats why you are crying..if u are ready to tell me, tell me..i knew you..you will not tell it now right? " Hani looked down..

*************next day

Jungkook put a present on Hani's desk..hoping that Hani will smile when she open it .. 'babe,  i miss you..'

Hani came to school and go to Jungkook's desk.She burst into tears and hug Jungkook.Jungkook stood and hug her tightly..

"What happen babe? " Hani smile and shooked her head..

"Its nothing kookie..I ve been missing you so much..Thanks for showing up today..Lets go out after class? shall we? " Since she had so much things running inside her mind, she dont want to think about it again.She still clueless about what actually happening yesterday..

"Sure babe..i will take you everywhere you want." Hani hug him.

"okay kookie... Class!  "

What actually happen that day?

Am I Boyish?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora