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Hi everyone. Sorry i have not been updating either of my sories lately. Some things have come up and i am trying my best.
I was tagged by both hobbitnarniaweird and -britishtrash to answer thirteen questions. And this is my first time being tagged so thank you guys for that.

-post all of the rules
-tag 13 people
-You must answer ALL of the questions asked
- Don't skip the tag
- Think of a creative title
- Post this as a chapter not a comment
- You have 2 weeks to complete this once you are taged

Now onto the questions.......

1) when did you become interested in starting a wattpad book?

I first became interested in starting a wattpad story after finishing up the first story i ever read on wattpad. However, i cannot remember the title for it was like 2 years ago. :( It took me a while to figure out what exactly i wanted to write about and what i had the most trouble on was how to start it off. 

2) Celebrity crush?

Now this will always be one of the hardest questions i have to answer, though to be honest the first person that always comes to mind is the beloved Tom Hiddleston. He is actually what caused me to become a fangirl. His magnificent acting got me involved in the Marvel fandom. Which has now lead me to join the Hobbit and Sherlock fandoms. So my life has technically been ruined since i laid eyes on Tom. And as all us fangirls have learned there is no escape. I would also like to mention that because of Tom Hiddeston and his kind acts and words to his beloved fans that i did not fall into a deep depression that i would not have been able to come out of. Which was caused by 4yrs of stomach pain that is still ongoing. 

3) Star Wars or Hunger Games?

I would definitely have to chose Star Wars for there is nothing else like it. Me best friend got me involved in the movies, so you could say i am in the Star Wars fandom, just not as much as her :). And i don't want to start a fight with any fangirls by saying this and i am not trying to negatively talk about these fandoms but i would just like to state that i believe the Hunger Games and the Divergent series are kind of similar. I mean they both have a main female character that go into some form of war whom also start a rebellion to stop an inhuman act that has been going on for years. I do enjoy both of these series, that is just how i feel. and Darth Vader is THE BEST. (my opinion)

4) Favorite sport? why

My favorite sport would have to be volleyball. This is because..well i love being given the opportunity to hit people in the face with a ball and not get in trouble for it. Also, it is pretty fun being able to dive to the ground for the ball. Its is an exillarating rush and a team effort. I have made many friends through this sport, like i have with soccer in the past.

5) Have you ever been holding in tears for a long time and just cried in front of your parents?

Not really. To be honest when i hold in tears for a long time i usually go into my room and let all out before i compose my self once more and come back. Most of the time they don't even know that i was crying. Though there was one point where there was a lot of things going on at once and i just kind of broke down when my parents were trying to talk to me about my stomach problems the one day.

6) One person in Middle Earth, who would you want to meet? ONLY ONE

If i could meet one person from middle earth i would wish to meet.......god dammit i hate you for making me answer this question......it would have to be Bilbo Baggins.  Mostly because i love martin freeman SO MUCH. Also, he would be the greatest friend you ever have and he would probably be really fun to hang out with. He is just the cutest, and has the most adorable smile. (it took me 20 minutes to figure out who i wanted to meet).                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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