chapter 2: that boys weird...

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Yuu's POV

As the teacher waited for the students in the class to calm down he spoke up "ok class we have 4 new bright students today from Lincoln high!" He announced. The students all stared at us, some smiling some showing pity.'pity? Why? Is something wrong with being here?' I wondered.

"Please introduce yourselfs" the teacher smiled, but I was to busy with something else. As he talked my eye caught site of a boy, with blonde hair eyes? He stared at me, just me, but not in the way the others were. His stare was....of lust...of protectiveness(is that even a word?).

It honestly scared me, though he was pretty hot, sexy even! I just...didnt like that look. "Im shinoa dont touch me, dont talk to me, dont even look at me!" Shinoa growled. She's always so mean to others. "" The teacher asked obviously scared of shinoa and her addittuted. "Hi im mitsuba" mitsuba said not looking up from her book. Of course..."y-yuu I cant do scared" yoichi whimpered clinging on to me tighter ready to cry.

"Its ok Yoichi. I got you" I smiled and patted his head, "hi im yuichiro or yuu either one and this is yoichi..he's very shy so please dont try and talk to him, his really anti-social as well" I smiled as cutely and nicely as I can. That boy with blonde seemed to glare at yoichi super pissed when he clinged to me, but when he saw me smile he stared at me again. 'What is up with that boy?' I thought.

"Ok does anyone have any questions?" The teacher asked looking around the Room. Of course the boy had to be the first, "yes mikaela what is your question?" The teacher smiled. 'Mikaela huh...isnt that a girl's name?', "I was just wondering um....are you single?" The boy named mikaela asked looking at me.

This boy was TOTALLY hitting on me! But what surprised me the most was everyone else, most girls were either staring at mikaela in disbelief or glaring at me. Though I do understand he is a good looking person, might have some fans. "Yes I am but relationships weren't really for me" I giggles awkwardly. "Oh..." was all he responded. 'Weird....just..weird..'.

"Ok next?" The teacher asked and once again that mikaela boy raised his hand. The teacher sighed "yes mikaela?", "are you gay?" Mikaela asked looking at me once again. I couldn't help but blush a little that the stupid little question. You could obviously tell all the students were shocked. Mitsuba didnt care, shinoa laughed her ass off and yoichi clung to me tighter.

'How should I even answer this?''. I thought for a second then opened my mouth to answer but was quickly interrupted by shinoa. "Oh my little cherry SOOOO gay!" She laughed slapping my back, "he's been like that since we were kids!". I huffed and blushed more in embarrassment, "shinoa shut up your lesbian!" I shout at her.

Shinoa blushed slightly and hit me up side the head hard, "I AM NOT!". I groaned softly and looked back at the boy, he had the biggest smile on his face with a light blush. After answering all the students questions the teacher may us sit next to that boy mikaela, fuck me.

I didnt talk to him just looked at him every now and then.'seriously why did he stare at me like that?'.

Yay the second chapter is done I can't wait for the really action!! Hope you enjoyed~

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