Begging On Your Knees

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Kaitlyn jogged behind him unable to catch up with his fast moving speed 

"Nick please dont do this" Kaitlyn begged seeing his muscles bulge more and more she didnt said a word and decided there was nothing else to do because he wasn't giving in. she stopped feet away from they're locker room as Nick felt no sympathy for knocking and barged right in heading directly to seth

"Who the hell do you think you are huh!!!"He yelled pushing him into the wall

"What's your problem" he said jumping quickly back at him kaitlyn knew his wasn't gonna turn out pretty 

"Something on your mind Ziggler?" Dean said walking over to the two of them "YOU DAMN RIGHT SOMETHINGS ON MY MIND YOUR FRIEND HERE PUT HIS HANDS ON MY GIRLFRIEND" dean looked at seth with an careless look on his place

"Your point?"Seth asked stepping up to him "MY POINT IS IM GONNA KICK YOUR ASS" dolph swung but seth dodged it and tackled him to the ground dean and seth stomping him until he coughed up blood

Kaitlyn horrified put all her strength into pushing them off and went to dolph's aid until the full trio started pouncing on him kaitlyn stood in the corner while her boyfriend was getting jumped by 3 cockier guys .they got finished doing they're doing their dirty work seth squatted down to kaitlyn who was now shaking out of her skin he caressed her face, smiled then left.

Kaitlyn made sure they were far away as possible from the room then she shifted to her boyfriends side


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