Karma & Revenge

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Aj's POV

I paced the floor twitching after Corey told me what happend. "That slutty whore, that bitch! how could she do that, why would she want to hurt Kaitlyn and Dolph's relationship Their cute i mean not cuter than us babe but their cute and She's ugh!!" I was speaking fast and furious.

"The reason she did that is because obviously she wants Nick back Aj" Corey was right but i got more angry. I grabbed me soflty by the shoulders and i sat in his lap.

"Just keep calm we wont tell Kaitlyn soon let's just wait until she heals from her fathers accident" I nodded Corey was always right at times, but that doesn't mean he isn't a psycho.

" Ok, sex?"..


Kaitlyn's POV

 We helped my dad into his house me and nick where staying with him for a few days to keep an eye on him.

Good thing he had a nurse to help take care of him.

"Talk to Aj lately" I shook my head looking at Nick. "Noo but im gonna call her right now." I turned around then smirked knowing Nick was behind my back giving his million dollar smile.

We locked lips for about 30 seconds a heated make out session. "Later ok?" He crossed his arms pouting.

I walked upstairs closing my Dad's door while he sleeped. I then walked into the bedroom me and Nick where sleeping in on the other side of the house. I flopped on the bed calling Aj.She answered after two rings.

"Hey bestie!" She answered bubbly as usual. "Hey babe how is everything?" I asked messing with my nail. There was dead silence over the phone i felt like she was doing hand gestures to Corey.

"What are you guys doing?" I sat up "W-what nothing were cool" I knew my bestfriend "No it's something Aj tell me right now!" I scolded and she didn't know what to do.

"OMG NIKKI WAS THE ONE SENDING YOU THE FAKE TEXTS AND DEAD FLOWERS!" I heard two smacks, one cover ing her mouth and the other of Corey smacking his head.

I tilted my head smiling. ".....Oh really?" She sighed once again "MMhhmm" I laughed a little. "Ok See ya soon.." I hung up jumping of the bed and skipping a few steps running into Nick's arms.

"Looks like were be leaving sooner than i thought"

I had two sides.

And the Bitch side one was coming out..


This was super short but its starting to get heated!

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