Killed By This Shit Called Love..

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Kaitlyn's POV

My left eye twitched multiple times before looking at Nick. "What the fuck did she just say?" I asked him then looking over at Aj staring Nikki down like she was gonna get ready to bite her. "She's kidding right nick this is a joke RIGHT NICK!?"I wasn't down for the bullshit talking i wanted answers and i wanted them right now. "I don't know Kaitlyn?" He said. 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW!" I yelled pushing 2 men off of me and stomping towards Nikki. I've never been more outraged ever, Nobody has ever made me this incense ever. I started to grab her face. "You better be lying bitch because i will hurt you!" I started to cry my eyes filled with tears my heart filled with hurt, I felt as if i was gonna have a heart attack. What have i done to deserve any of this. 

"Why do people hate me so much?" I sobbed into Aj's shoulder. "Nobody hates you Kaitlyn i love you soo much i am nothing without you ok?"

"I dont even know anymore, I'm the nicest girl you will ever meet....why me god why!" I cried and immediately stopped, feeling my heart beat faster and faster like it were to explode. "Kaity?" "Kaity?" my mind had droned out .Those were the last words i heard...the last thing i heard was the sound of my beating heart, and the monitor running flat line.

Love can Kill you...and destroy your beautiful beating Heart..


Hell no this isn't the last chapter :/

Lol but I'm definitely not gonna ruin it,,just have to wait til next chapter..

Heart Attack Volume 2 <Kaitlyn&Dolph>Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora