A Happy Ending

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Kaitlyn lie in a hospital bed full of tears. Dean did everything to talk to her but she wouldnt say a word.

"Kait I-"

"Dean no....ok?....its over ..everythings over" She said in a low cracked tone. "Im so sorry Kaitlyn" Dean was broken inside to. He decided he needed to leave before he started to freak.

"Why does these things always happen to me" She mumbled clutching the bed sheets shaking.

The door opened slowly and she didnt mind looking to see who it was thinking it was just a nurse checking up on her.

Nick gulped swallowing all his pride. He watched as she stared at the white wall in a hospital once again. In pain..once again.

He sat down on her bed turning her around and holding her. "I hate this fucking place" He laughed running his fingers through her hair.

"I promise you....you wont have to be here ever ...as long as you love me" She kissed him hard and squeezing him tight not wanting to let go ever. Not wanting to lose him ever again.

From the beginning to the end

Their relationship topsy turvy

Through thick and thin

They find away through it all

Learning every step of the way..

Kaitlyn's never been the same since she lost the baby, actually she started taking therapy for it.

Dean packed up leaving town as soon as he left the hospital devastated.

Aj and Corey tied the knot soon after the four friends moved to Nebraska starting over.

Priscilla Garcia ended up not being Nick's daughter at all. Was just a rumor to get him to stay..

Kaitlyn and Nick decided to settle down in Nebraska with no fighting no worries just peace. Nick dedicated all of his time to her only. Months later she became pregnant again.

.....They made 3 babies.

Nia, Kayla and Nathan..They all had their parents personality and features. Nathan had Nick's signature smirk that would drive Aj wild when he smiled. She called him puddin whenever he was around.

All was good in the family..

Atleast for now...


guys its true its over i love this book so much but i guess this is the end i promise for more stories like this in the future

I wont delete the book so you can go back and read it anytime.

Thank you guys for reading c:

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