I Am Out My Mind

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Nick's POV

Kaitlyn did everything with a smile she's been acting weird since she called Aj yesterday, She just wont tell me whats up. She zipped up her suitcase and leaning on the dresser daydreaming. "Kaitlyn come on tell me whats up why are we leaving so soon?" 

"Ok well i heard some very interseting news and i just can't wait to get my hands on a certain someone" She tried to leave but up tugged her back. "Woah Woah Woah someone like who miss thang" She smirked.

"The bitch you cheated on me with" She moved my hand off of her. "Funny that was a stupid mistake and why do you wanna get your hands on her so bad" I followed her around the house until she stopped infront of her dad's room. "She's the dumb thottie that has been texting my phone and playing games with my head....now if you'll excuse me i need to say goodbye to my father" She closed the doors.

"..Well, ...I hope you win"



Kaitlyn's POV

Me and Nick took a flight to Chicago in time for Raw, so i can confront Nikki and get this all over with. "Kaitlyn listen im on your side and all but are you sure what will Vince think like attack her you'll get suspended" 

"Dont worry babe, I already arranged everything he's not even here" I turned around walking through the doors. I walked straight to the diva's locker kissing Nick goodbye. 

I walked in and saw Aj Layla.....Nikki and Brie, I smiled wide and spoke. "Hey ladies..miss me"

Nikki and Brie gave eachother a look before taking a sip of water, Nikki walked past me with Brie following behind. 

"Ooh girl their scared" Lay stated. "I know and i cant wait to strangle the shit out of her" I growled getting red and frustrated. "Why would that bitch do that to me" I asked myself. "Well since i have a match against her tonight there's a greater chance you can get her there" Aj said skipping towards the door then falling to the floor when she saw her teddy bear squeezing it. "Your right Aj, get her all weak, so when i come there will be more damage done" I said skipping out, 

I have got to stay away from Aj sometimes. 

Aj's POV

I made my grip tighter around Nikki's waist, In a sleep hold. I pushed her off she was really waisting my time, Then again i wanted to hurt her bad for hurting my Bff. I kicked her in the face. And bowed to crowd because..

I mean that was pretty good,

I turned facing her she stared at me like she was gonna do something. We had a stare down something the crowd loved. I smacked her hard in the face making her stumble back a little. 

"You might wanna turn around" I said pointing behind her back

Kaitlyn's POV

Once she turned around i speard her, I punched and punched her sensless. While Aj laughed hysterically. I grabbed her by her hair and slammed her face foward into the turnbuckle, Brie climbed in the ring like she was really gonna hurt me. Aj handled her while i did damage.

I threw her out the ring ready for another spear, I waited in the corner set up, making sure she wont be able to have kids.

Brie pushed her out of the way. "NOO!"

They rushed up the ramp while i followed with Aj skipping happily behind me.


"Where or where did little Nikki go oh where oh where could she be" Aj called kicking every bathroom stall door looking for her. We finally walked towards the diva's locker room until we heard commotion coming from catering. 

"THERE SHE IS!" Aj pointed out i went for her only to be held back by Nick and Corey. "No let me get her!" I watched as she wiped the blood from her nose.

"Doesn't she know nick" I heard her mumble. 

"...Wtf did you just say" Nick looked at her and rolled his eyes, "Dont listen to shit that comes out of her mouth"

"Why do you keep keeping it from her Dolph" She breathed heavy."What what WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT" I grew angry and anxious and those are two things that dont mix.

"Oh you dont know....Your so called "Boyfriend"....is the father of my unborn child"






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