Little Toy Guns - SVU

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Olivia stood nose to nose with Tucker in her living room. They were arguing about what happened at the restaurant. "I am a grown woman, Ed!" She yelled and his jaw clenched tightly. "He was hitting on you, Olivia!" He yelled back gripping her elbow tightly.

Noah sat in the hall closet holding his hands over his ears. The 6 year old was whispering to himself, praying for his parents to stop arguing. Things had been tense in the Tucker house for awhile now. They fought at the drop of a faucet. Their voices cut through the walls and he jumps when they get louder.

"Yeah, so? At least someone was paying attention to me!" She screamed yanking her arm away but he only stepped closer. "You're my WIFE, Olivia! Mine and mine only." He growled and she pushed him back. "Get away!" She yelled as she wrapped her arms around herself. They had been married for 4 years and always got along. But the past 6 months had been awful. One of them always picked a fight.

Noah peeked his head out and watched through the crack of the door. He watched his dad step towards his mom and grab her arm. He held his breath crying as they continued to fight. He wished words were like the little toy gun they bought him for his birthday. He wanted to be like them, be a cop too. Words wouldn't hurt. Olivia wouldn't spend the night locked in her room while Tucker left the house and didn't come back till the next day. Noah hated the words they exchanged. Olivia always told him to use nice words. But she didn't. She never even tried to use nice words. He seen Olivia push Ed back and Noah sat back in the closet so he couldn't see anymore.

"I am not a toy, Ed! You don't own me! I can talk to other men." She informs him loudly glaring at him. If looks could kill, Tucker would be done. "You flirted back, Olivia! You just forgot you were married!" He yelled moving to the kitchen to refill his cup that was empty. He poured more bourbon in it and Olivia slammed the rest of hers before putting it on the table. She crossed her arms and snidly said "No, I didn't forget. You never let me forget." He was lifting the drink to his mouth and stopped midway. "You are my wife, Olivia. No of course I wouldn't let you forget." He finished the sip and she looked down at the counter between them. "Maybe we need a divorce."

Unknown between the 2 adults, Noah snuck out of closet and ran into their room. He grabbed the phone and climbed into the bathtub to hide. He dialed a fimiliar number. "It's me, Noah." The boy whispers to the person on the other end of the phone. "Mommy and dad are fighting again." He heard a crash of the kitchen and winced. "Please come and get me." The responder quickly agrees and tells him to stay in the bathroom. "Okay." Noah whispers and hangs up the phone leaving it on the ledge.

"You cannot be serious!" Ed yells as he throws his glass against the wall. "Yes I'm serious!" She yells walking back into the living room and he follows. "You're the one flirting with other men! Have you slept with someone else?" He asks her and her jaw drops at his accusation. "No! I have been nothing but faithful to you, Ed!" She yells absolutely appalled by what he was telling her. He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Yeah because flirting with a man at the restaurant when your husband is 3 feet away is what a faithful wife does!" He yells back once again nose to nose. The fury in her eyes only grows. "You don't see me getting all rude and possessive when you call our waitresses honey and sweetie. Even winking at them when they bring the food. That is considered flirting!" She screams and he grabs her wrist when she goes to shove him one more time. "Don't you dare push me again, Olivia Tucker." He hisses holding a tight hold on her. "Olivia Benson." She says balling up her fists trying to remove herself from him. Just then, the front door to their apartment swings open. Fin walks in glaring at the adults and walked right past them to the master bedroom. "What are you doing here, Tutuola?" Tucker asks letting go of Olivia and glares at the man who just invaded their home.

Fin didn't return an answer just opened the bathroom door seeing Noah sitting there with his ears covered broke his heart. He kneels down in front of the boy and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Noah." The 6 year old gives him a grateful smile as he climbs out of the bathtub. He brings him down to his room and has him grab a set of clothes and his school backpack. He picks Noah up from the floor and holds the backpack on his arm. He walks into the living room and heads towards the front door. "What are you doing with him?" Olivia asks frantically following him to their front door. "Hey buddy, stand by the door. I'm gonna talk to Mommy." He sends the boy outside and he whips around staring Olivia down.

"I got a call saying Mommy and daddy were fighting. That he was hiding in the bathroom because you were fighting too much. He wanted me to come get him." He calmly says to her but anger is in his voice. The realization hit Olivia like a bus. She had been so angry she forgot about her son being in the house. "I- I was just.." She stutters and he shakes his head. "You're his mother, Olivia. Fucking act like it. If you and Tucker can't get along, take care of it when Noah isn't around." He looks up glaring at Ed who was watching from afar. He turns on his heel and leaves the house meeting Noah in the hall. The 2 walked silently down the hallway to the car till Noah spoke up. "I wish words were like my toy guns. They don't hurt anyone."


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