He didn't have to be- SVU

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Noah, 27 now, stood outside the nursery watching his daughter be doted on by the nurses. He couldn't believe his daughter was finally here. He turned to see his family and friends surrounding him as they watch the newborn baby. He looked to his right and saw the man he met when he was just 5 years old. Only 4 years after his mother adopted him. "I wish Mom was here." He whispered, turning back to the glass. He lost his Mom about a year ago, not to long before his wife found out she was pregnant.


5 year old Noah stood by the couch as he watched his mother scramble around the house to find her shoes. "Are you going to be good for Lucy?" Olivia asked, looking down at her little boy. He nodded and sat closer to his mom. She always wondered if she'd meet a man who wouldn't run the other way when he found out she had a kid. But this time, this date, it is going to be different. She just knew it. The doorbell rang and she stood up, hoping it was Lucy. She swung the door open and smiled when she saw it was Ed Tucker. "Hi, come in. We can go as soon as the babysitter gets here." Ed shook his head at the brunette's words. "Call her and say she isn't needed." He knelt down and waved at the boy. "Hi, my name is Ed. Would you like to go to the movies with your mom and I?" The older man asks and Noah nodded enthusiastically. Olivia smiled gratefully. This man would be different.


Noah placed his daughter in Ed's arms for the first time and smiled at his father. The older man couldn't be more happier he was finally a grandpa. "Dad, meet Olivia Eden Benson. After you and Mom." If Ed wasn't crying before, he sure was now. "I hope I am at least half of the dad you were. The dad you didn't have to be." Ed looked up at his son and spoke with emotion. "I love you, son. Your Mom would be so proud of you." Tears slipped down both faces and as they gazed at the sleeping newborn.


Noah wrapped his blanket further around them after his Mom and Tucker tucked him in. It was only a few months ago they started dating but he now is living with Noah and Olivia. He heard them moving around the house and then settle into conversation in the kitchen. Not long after, he heard his mom gasp. He perked up and tried to listen what was being said. He couldn't hear, so he got out of bed and moved to the door. "Olivia Margret Benson, will you marry me?" Noah covered his mouth and held his breath while he waited for his moms response. When he heard her say yes, he ran back to his bed and laid back down. This was finally the missing piece to make their family.


Noah set his 6 month old daughter on his wife's lap as he made his way to the front of the room. He looked out at the crowd of NYPD officers and family members and took a deep breath. He stepped up to the podium and pulled out his piece of paper. "Thank you all for coming to celebrate my dads life." He unfolded the paper and tried to calm the will to cry. "I met my dad when I was 5 years old. He waltzed into my moms life fairly quickly but we knew this man was going to be different. He actually took me on their first date." He licked his lips and turned to look at his dads casket. "He really loved my Mom and she really loved him. We finally had a family. Looking back all I can say about all the things he did for me, is I hope I'm at least half the dad he didn't have to be." He looked out at his wife holding their baby and smiled slightly. "He didn't have to do a single thing he did for my mother and I. But he did." Tears spilled over and he wiped them away quickly. "Rest in peace, Dad. You are finally back with Mom." He placed a kiss to the casket before making his way back to his wife. His dad was everything they ever wanted. Olivia lived her life happily. That was all that mattered to Noah.

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