Carrying Your Love with Me - CM

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Aaron Hotchner stood by his bed throwing work clothes into his beat up leather go bag. His pregnant wife sat against the headboard with her hands clasped over her stomach. "I'll be home as soon as we can." He tells her and she just smiles tightening the bun that was containing her wild black hair. "I know, babe. Just return safe. This little boy will need his daddy." Her hand travels to the bottom of her swell, rubbing the spot the unborn baby chose to use as a punching bag. He sits next to her and joins her hand soothing their son who would be joining them in just 2 months. "I will, Emily." He places a chaste kiss on her lips and zips his bag. "Because I'm carrying your love with me. From Virginia down to Tennessee." She smiles and rolls her eyes pulling him back to her for a kiss. "We'll find him with the good Lords speed." He kisses her again and she leans her head on his shoulder cuddling close to her husband before he needed to leave. "When we're stuck on a lonely highway in the rain. I'll I have to do is speak your name. The sun will shine in my heart for you. Because I'm carrying your love with me." She let's out a hearty laugh and he cracks a smile. He could never get enough of hearing Emily laugh. He wished he could hear it forever. "I always come back." He climbs off the bed and helps her off as well, knowing it's hard for her since she grew bigger. Although he'd never say that to her. "You're my strength to come back." He says as they walk towards the front door. She handed him his bag as they stood in the doorway together. "Catch em, baby." He leans down and kisses her softly then leans down to her belly. "You stay in there, baby." He kisses her tummy and takes his bag. "Remember, I'm carrying your love with me." With one last kiss he leaves.


Emily sat in the hospital bed holding her baby on her chest. She just finished nursing for the first time. Aaron ran down the hallway and busted into the room. Emily laughed quietly which woke the sleeping child. "I'm so sorry Emily." He said moving towards the edge of the bed to kiss her head and meet their son. "Babe. It's okay. It was too quick. I feel like I missed it too. But there is something." She looked down at the baby wrapped in a white hospital swaddle. He stares down at the baby's back that had Emily's hand on it. "May I hold our son?" He asks sitting down next to her as she slowly scooted over. "That's the thing. Aaron," She smiled brightly at him. "Meet your daughter. Baby girl Hotchner." He stares at her shocked and back at the baby. Emily hands over the infant to her husband. "I have a daughter. We have a daughter." He mumbles staring down at the blue eyed baby, which would most likely change. "Looks like the love you carried with you took all the love from her and she needed to make a shocking appearance." He laughs kissing his daughters head. "I wish I could have been here." He sighs leaning over to kiss Emily. "Still carrying your love with me." He mumbles against her mouth and she erupts with laughter. "I hope so." They looked up when they heard commotion. Jack came running into the room and ran to the bed. "My baby brother is here!?" He asks in a loud whisper. "Jack, meet your baby sister." Emily says holding back a laugh. He looked down at the baby now seeing it was a girl. He looked throughly disappointed.

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