Home Alone Tonight- SVU

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Olivia sat at the bar nursing a bourbon. Screw Ed Tucker for getting her hooked on it. Noah was at Amanda's tonight, so she found herself sitting in the bar down the street from her apartment. "Is this seat taken?" A man with a deep voice asked, leaning onto the stool next to Olivia. She let her eyes scan over him before smirking. "It is now." He grins and sits next to her. "I'll have what she's having." He briefly glances at the bartender before putting his attention back on Olivia. "What are you doing in this dump?" He asked, motioning to the falling down dark bar they were currently residing in. "I could ask you the same thing, Mr." She cocked her eyebrow and he laughed. "Jason." He reached out and shook her hand, but before letting go he pulled it to his lips and kissed it lightly. She let out a small laugh and he raised the glass to his mouth. "Bourbon? I didn't peg you for that kind of lady." He took a swig and put it back on the bar before asking her name. "Olivia. Olivia Benson." She peered at him through her eyelashes as she let the drink glide into her mouth and down her throat, leaving behind that familiar burn. "And what do you do, Olivia Benson?" He inquires and she debated telling him. "I am a Lieutenant for the NYPD." She moved her blazer to show him the badge still attached to her hip. She chose to leave the glock at home but it slipped her mind to take the badge off too. "Now you make me seem boring. I am a realtor." She smiled and took a glance around the bar. There weren't too many people here. "So really, what does bring you here?" He asks leaning onto the wood to watch her intently. "Heartbreak?" For a minute, he sees pain flash through her eyes but her wall is put back up just as quickly. "Something like that." She muttered, finished off her bourbon and laughed, telling him she needed something stronger. "If you're drinking, I'm paying." She didn't have time to object as he slid his card over the bar, telling the bartender he was picking up their tab, and ordered the first round of shots. "I have 2 kids. My ex-wife just moved out of state and took them with." He opened up to her, hoping it would make her feel more comfortable. She smiled at him sadly. "I have one son. I adopted him when he was a baby. My fiance.. we.. uh.. we broke it off. Haven't spoken since." He put his hand on her back as 2 shots were delivered to them. He raised his small glass and smirked, "Cheers to heartbreaks to leading me to this beautiful lady." She chuckled and threw back the liquid. She shook her head and chased it with her bourbon. "Whatever that was... it was nasty." She coughed one more time before he broke out in laughter. "What was his name?" He asks leaning back to wait for her answer. She smiled when she realized he was giving her a rant outlet, she was grateful. She didn't have someone to talk to like this. "Ed, Ed Tucker."

It didn't take long for the Lieutenant to let loose and seem to be having a good time. The 2 were not sober, whatsoever. They were going to drink till they forgot what they came here to forget. Olivia was laughing at something he said when she turned to see him gazing at her. "Let me see your phone." He said politely sticking his hand out and she found herself, surprisingly, handing it over to him. He opened the camera and leaned in to kiss her cheek. Any other time, she would have leaned away and been appalled someone was trying to get that close to her. She smiled widely and her eyes shifted to the side to watch him. He took a few pictures and then leaned away. "I am going to send these to myself." He programmed his number in and she turned her attention to the new drink that was delivered. She tried to pinpoint when they ordered a new type of drink but just shrugged and took it anyway. They had a bottomless tab. When he handed her the phone back, she was taken back by what she saw. "Had to show them what they are missing." He turned his phone to show he sent it to his ex-wife as well. Again, any other time she would have been appalled but right now, she didn't have a care in the world. She had a feeling she wasn't going home alone tonight and didn't care that Tucker knew that. "Tell me about yourself, Olivia Benson." He slurred into her ear as she took a swig of her cocktail. "My life is basically my son and the NYPD. I've been on the force over 20 years. I've lived in New York my entire life." She shrugged, now waiting for him to explain himself. "I have worked as a realtor for 16 years, but only lived in New York for 7. I've moved a lot my whole life." Jason explained. He wasn't too focused on the conversation but the beautiful woman in front of him. She was dressed in a light colored skinny jeans and a flowy top. Her feet were covered in a brown pair of boots. His eyes flowed over her face, where she was wearing minimal makeup but still looked stunning. Her hair fell over her shoulders in light waves. While he looked over her, she took the time to do the same. His dark brown hair rested on his head, looked like he ran his fingers through it and left it. He was in a polo shirt and a pair of dress slacks, like he got off work and came to the bar. She smiled appreciatively at the way his chest and muscles show through his shirt. They continued conversation until he decided he was done with that. He got off his stool and stood in close proximity too her. She tilted her head up to look at him and smiled. His hand ran up her arm, over her shoulder, to her chin, and leaned down to kiss her lightly. Her hands landed on the back over his head and stroked his dark black hair. "Come on, let's get out of here. We won't have to go home alone tonight." She nodded and he flashed her a million dollar smile. "Let me use the bathroom and we can get out of here." She reached into her purse and checked to see if Amanda had an emergency, not that she could go get him now anyway. She did have a missed call from Ed and scoffed as she tossed it back into her purse. She saw Jason exit the bathroom and pay the tab. He smirked at her as she was waiting by their stools to get out of there. She was startled when someone touched her arm. She jumped away and was shocked when she saw Ed standing there. "What are you doing here?" She asked in an accusatory tone. His eyes hardened as her words slurred and when she moved she could barely stand up straight. "How many times a week are you drinking, Olivia?" He asked taking her purse from the chair and reached for her. She wrenched her arm from his grasp and reached for her purse. "None of your damn business, Tucker." She glared at him the best she could and Jason approached them. "Is there a problem here?" He asked, also shooting Ed his best glare. The greyhaired man could tell neither party was sober. "Yes, there is. I am here to take her home." He reached for Olivia once again but Jason stepped in between them. "She ain't yours." He spewed, chest to chest with the ex-fiance. "She isn't anybodies. Olivia Benson is her own person and I know damn well she is going to regret this." Ed reached stepped around him and sat the woman down. "Liv, how much have you been drinking?" He asked. Her eyes switched between this new man and a man she loved with all her heart. She had to admit, she had been drinking entirely too often after Noah was down for bed. She mumbled a quiet 'I'm sorry' to Jason before he just sighed and left. "Come on, sweetheart. Let's take you home." He helped her up and outside where his truck was waiting. The minute he got that picture he knew he had to go get her. She looked like she was about to do something she was going to regret and hate herself for. He missed her greatly after she broke off their engagement. Telling him that she needed to focus on Noah and her job was her whole life. He regretted everyday walking out of that apartment, and she regretted letting him go. They arrived at the apartment and he dug for her keys before letting them in. He led her back to her room and set her on the bed. After taking off her boots, he located a pair of her sleeping shorts and a t-shirt. His t-shirt he left behind. He handed it to her and went to the bathroom while she changed. "Ed.." She called playing with the strings of her shorts. He came out to see her sitting on the bed cross legged in her pajamas. "I miss you." She choked out before letting tears stream down her face. He grabbed a makeup wipe from the pile of products on the counter and sat next to her. He gently cradled her head as he wiped away the makeup before depositing the wipe in the trash. "You need to sleep, Liv." He pulled back the blanket and backed her up under it. She laid her head on the pillow and watched him tiredly. Ed placed a kiss on her forehead and exited her bedroom, parking himself on the couch where he would sleep. 

Olivia woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. Memories of the night before came flooding in and she groaned. There was a glass of water and advil next to her and she took them appreciatively. She heard laughter and quickly got out of bed to see what was going on. She checked her phone and gasped when she saw it was 10am. In her living room she found Noah playing with toys and Ed sitting next to him. "Mommy! Ed here!" He exclaimed, pointing to the smiling man. "I see that." She brushed a hand through his hair before he went back to playing with his toys. Ed handed her a cup of coffee he made a bit ago. "Amanda dropped him off an hour ago. I fed him breakfast and we've been playing for a little while." She nodded and glanced down. "Ed, thank you for last night. I'm grateful you came and got me when you did." When he looked up, Ed saw just how grateful she was. "I miss you, Ed." She sniffed and he sat across from her. "I miss you too." He stated, reaching for her hand. "I regret walking out that door, Olivia. I've hated every single day that I've been away from you and Noah." His voice cracked as he talked. She saw the raw emotion in her eyes and it made tears well up in her eyes. "Then don't add another day." She said and his head shot up in shock. She offered him a weak smile. He jumped from his chair and around the island to grab her in his arms. His lips met hers and she melted into him. "I love you so much, Olivia Margret Benson." He whispered in her ear as he held her close. Noah toddled over and he picked him up, wrapping him into the hug as well. He got the love of his life back and the boy he loved more than anything. "I never want you to come home alone again. It's you and I, Olivia. forever." She kissed him and then kissed her little boy. This was her family. 

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