If Something Should Happen- CM

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Rossi looked up at Emily as she held a crying Jack after his father's, her husband, funeral. He unfolded the paper that Aaron left for him before he went into surgery.

"Dave, me and you go way back. So, I don't mind telling you that I'm scared to death. The doctors are going in on the 25th. It is the same thing my father had." The older man had to compose himself before he got up and left the room to finish the letter.

"If something should happen, please stop by to see Emily. You can always keep her laughing because she is going to need a lot of that. Take her out to a movie. It is going to take sometime before she is back on her feet. I know you think I'll be fine and you think I am talking crazy. But there is always that chance, that is why I am asking. If something should happen." The tears finally fell and David could no longer hold it together. Aaron had made it through surgery, but not through the recovery and passed away a few days later.

"Little Jack is growing up so fast. This November he will be 10 and he wants to be a goalie. I am supposed to coach his team this fall. But I may not get to after all. He is gonna need someone to kick a pass and kick it back. If something should happen, promise me you'll take that boy out camping. Throw a line out in the water every now and then. Answer any questions that he has. Maybe once he gets older, you could sit and have that first cold beer together and tell him stories about his father. He has always known you're my best friend. That is why I am asking, If something should happen." He looked over at the pictures in the small office he entered. It was Aaron's. The walls were lined with pictures of Emily and Jack, with a few of the whole family. Aaron had really become a family man since he and Emily got married. 

"I hope I live until I really made it and I get to see my son get married and make a million more memories with my wife. Buddy, I pray alright. But if it is my time to leave, will you watch over them for me? If something should happen?"

Dave sighs and wipes his tears from his eyes as he tucks the letter back into his pocket. He whispers, "I promise Aaron."

He heads back out to Emily and Jack. The boy had calmed down and he rubs the woman's back before escorting them out of the home. They were staying with him tonight

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2019 ⏰

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