You Can Let Go- SVU

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Olivia held her baby to her chest while he gazed up at her. "Well Noah Porter Benson, you're all mine." She kissed his pudgy little hand and continued to study all his small features. So little and so simple. Olivia never wanted him to grow up. She was a single mother raising a child but all she wanted was him to stay little. To stay happy. She never wanted to let her baby boy go. Especially not when she knew what was out in the world.


5 years old and peddling as hard as he could. Olivia ran along side holding the seat as they cruised down the street. He took a deep breath before hollering, "You can let go now Mommy!" In that little sentence, it meant so much. She could let go. He was ready to do this on his own. It was a little scary, but he could do it. Let go now, Mommy. Ed stood at the other end of the road grinning at the 2 as Noah continued to fly down the road towards him. He caught everything on film. Olivia met his eyes as she clasped her hands together watching with tears in her eyes as her little boy felt what freedom was like as a 5 year old.


Olivia leaned against the door in the room Noah was getting ready in. "Mom." He breathed when he saw her leaning there. She gave him a smile as he walked over to her place. "My boy." She put her arms around him and he squeezed her tight. In her age, she was truly shrinking. Noah was only 25 and getting married. Of course that made her 69 now. He was still her baby boy. He was taller than her and has been since he was a teen so her head laid on his chest during their embrace. He left her arms and she helped him put the finishing touches on his suit before he went to marry Kayla. After walking her down the aisle to her seat, they stopped. Once again, she pulled him into a hug. Tears streamed down her face as she thought about how much he's grown up. Everyone was seated and watching the loving actions between mother and son. Then, he whispered in her ear. "You can let go now, Momma. I'm ready to do this." She placed a big kiss on his cheek before pulling away. Squeezing his arm one more time before letting him go to the front of the alter. Ed, who was getting up there in age as well, gripped her hand. Once again, the words meant so much. She needed to let go. It was scary, but he could do it. He was ready to do this on his own. She cried during the ceremony. Her baby was marrying an amazing young woman, who was now taking over her place as number one in her little, not so little, Noah's life. She was happy. But, it still broke her heart. Let go now, Mommy.


Noah had tears welling in his eyes as he sat on the edge of his mother's hospital bed. It was killing him to see the strongest woman he had ever met, wasting away to nothing in the hospital. He held onto her hand tightly when his wife appeared in the doorway. She sat down in the chair by the bed and handed over the little pink bundle to her husband. "Mom, I'd like you to meet Olivia. Olivia Ann Benson." He laid the sleeping baby on her chest. Her eyes were barley open as she looked down at her granddaughter. Olivia was fading fast and now couldn't speak. Soon, Kayla took the baby and left the son to his goodbyes with his mother. A nurse was making her way out when she stopped, "Ms.Tucker is only hanging on for you now." He glanced at her but looked back to his mother. Noah placed a kiss on her hand and held it to his face. "You can let go now, Momma. You can let go. Your little boy is ready to do this on his own. It's gonna be a little bit scary, but I want you to know, I'll be ok now, Momma.
You can let go. You can let go." He kissed her cheek and held tightly as the monitors seemed to fade out before the blaring sound took over the room. His mother, his amazing caring NYPD officer mother, was gone.

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