Chapter 4

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Someone gently shakes me, causing me to wake up.

I see Augusta shaking me softly. Once I'm awake, she smiles at me. "Joesy dear, get up. We have to get to the station." I nod and sit up as she walks out the door, shutting it behind her.

Pushing back the covers, I stand up and stretch. Looking around the room, I do a quick scan of the room to check for any of my belongings that I hadn't packed yesterday so that way I don't leave anything important behind.

Other than my outfit for today and my cloak, the only things out are the things my friends got me for my birthday.

•Mione gave me a really cute jean jacket and a ring that helps me control my element powers

•Seamus got me a new set of muggle books titled The Chronicles of Narnia

•Dean got me a new scarf with mine and his favorite colors stitched into it

•Harry gave me a beautiful new quill since my favorite one broke

•Ron gave me a necklace with a half a heart that says 'big bro' and he has the half that says 'little sis'

•Neville got me a cute ring that as an N & J engraved in it

•The Weasley family got me a new hand knitted jumper

•Augusta gave me a hair beret that was Neville's mums. It's a pink flower on a silver clip

After quickly putting the books, jumper, quill, jean jacket and scarf into my extended hand bag, I lay it with my trunk and Lily's cage. I tug on my skinny jeans and pull my t shirt over my head, fastening my cloak around my neck.

I put the ring from Neville on my left hand and the ring from Mione on my right. I also put on the necklace from Ron and my charm bracelet. I make my hair a dark brown and make my eyes a grey almost silver before finally being satisfied.

Walking out of the room, I levitate my trunk and grab Lily's cage with my free hand. Neville sees me coming down and immediately comes over me grabs Lilly's cage.

"Thanks Nev."

He nods and walks into the sitting room. I follow and set my trunk on the ground.

"Here you go Joesy dear." Augusta says as she holds out the cauldron of the floo powder. I duck into the fireplace and I step in with my trunk, and Lily's cage.


I shout as I throw down the powder. I open my eyes and jump out when I get to one of the Kings Cross fireplaces.

I get out of the way and start dusting myself off while I wait for Neville. I decide to go grab a couple trolleys while I wait, and by time he appears I have all of my stuff on a trolley. I help him put his stuff on the empty one and then he nods to me to run first.

Shortly after Neville comes through, Augusta comes in after us and starts talking to Neville while I search for dad. Scanning through the crowd, I try to spot Dad. "Joesy!" I hear.

I turn and see dad pushing through people to get to me. "DAD!!" I run over to him and he envelops me in a hug. "I missed you!" I say into his robes but it comes out muffled.

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