Chapter 14

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I step back in shock and end up backing up into Neville. He steadies me by wrapping his arms around me and pulls me back behind the Professors and Dad as they all huddle around Colin.

Dumbledore waves his wand and levitates him up and walks back into the infirmary, the Professors following him.

"Remus, you can use the fireplace in my office." Madam Pomfrey tells him as Dad stands around awkwardly. He nods before giving me a kiss on the head. "I'll see you at holiday." Dad says to me. I nod and give him a hug.

Neville and I link hands before we head back up to the Royals Dorm. He says the password and we head inside the portrait hole. I lay down on the couch and Neville picks up my head and sits down before he placed my head in his lap.

"I'm so sorry for not talking to you Princess. I shouldn't have pushed you away." Neville says softly before kissing my forehead. I smile softly. "It's okay. I should have introduced Rigel first." I tell him quietly. Suddenly I remembered the letter from my mum and jump up.

I look around for my bag and see it beside the portrait hole. I pick it up and pull out the letter from mum and the family picture. I hand Neville the letter and he skims through it. "Wait, so your a fairy?" He asks. I nod and show him the picture. His eyes widen as he looks from the picture to me. "You look so much like your Mum."

I blush and hide my face with my hair. Neville gently moves the hair out of my face and smiles. "Don't hide your blush love." He says softly as he gives me a small kiss. I nod and cuddle up against him. I glance up at the clock as it sounds and my eyes widen.

It's almost 12 o'clock!

Neville follows my gaze and his eyes widen as well. "I think we better get to bed love." Neville says. I nod and stand up. Nev stands up and pushes back my hair.

He kisses me again and we head up the stairs and into our rooms. I walk in my room and gasp slightly. The room had been transformed to match the one I had designed in the Room of Requirement.

I squeal internally and jump up and down. Pulling pajamas out of my dresser, I pull them on and I crawl into bed and prop up the picture of Mum beside my bed. "Goodnight mum." I whisper.


I wake to my alarm on my wand that I have set. I rub my eyes and stretch before standing up and going to my closet. Going through my clothes, I groan when I can't figure out what to wear. I sigh and walk into the bathroom and over to Neville's room.

Hesitantly I knock on his door and he opens the door. I glance down and see that he's fully dressed. "Yes love?" He asks. I blush lightly. "I can't figure out what to wear." I say softly.

He chuckles and grabs my hand, leading me back to my room. "Alright princess. Let's find you an outfit."

He goes over to my closet and I sit on my bed. He begins going through my clothes and pauses every once in a while. Finally, he pulls out a outfit and has a smile on his face. "This one." He says with confidence.

The shirt was one that Hermione had given me over the summer. It was a cream color and goes off of my shoulders. Then Neville paired it with a burgundy colored skirt.

He showed me a caramel colored scarf but I shook my head in disgust. I hate scarfs. He also matched a pair of thin black tights. To complete the outfit, I add a pair of tan ankle boots.

I give him a kiss on the cheek as a thank you causing him to blush. He steps out of my room to let me get dressed and comes back in when I say it's okay. I hugged Neville and pecked his cheek before walking into the bathroom and brushing my teeth.

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