Chapter 11

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I wake up the next morning to the sun coming through my shades and to see Neville looking at me. "Morning Nev. Watching me sleep?" I ask him as I sit up in bed. This makes his face turn red and he starts stuttering like a fool.

"N-no. I don't know w-what your talking a-about." He says shyly as he gets out of my bed. This causes me to laugh softly. "I'm messing with you love." I tell him as I move to the edge of the bed. He stops and his face goes back to normal color, before he playfully glares at me. I get up from the bed and walk over to my closet.

Glancing in the mirror, I sigh as I see my hair is still a light purple. I shake it off and Neville walks over to me. He wraps his arms around my middle and lays his head on my shoulder. "You okay love?"

I nod and turn around so I'm facing him. "Yeah, I'll be okay." I stand on my toes and peck his nose softly. "Go change mister." I say as I push on his chest. He laughs and walks out of my room. I grab my clothes and get dressed, laughing to myself because it feels like a very Gryffindor outfit.

I try my best to make my hair white, but groan when it almost goes all white, but the tips are stubborn and still stay purple

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I try my best to make my hair white, but groan when it almost goes all white, but the tips are stubborn and still stay purple.

I sigh and head into the bathroom, checking to see if Neville is in there before I go in. I brush my teeth and put my hair up in a high ponytail. Neville comes in dressed in his Gryffindor sweater and muggle jeans.

He goes over to brush his teeth while I apply some chap stick. I walk into my room to grab my cloak while Neville finishes up. I grab Neville's hand and lead him out of the bathroom and down the stairs.

Seeing as it was the weekend, Harry has a Quidditch game today. It was sadly against Slytherin, and I did not have a good feeling about the match.

We go through the portrait leading into the Gryffindor common room and see all of the Gryffindor Quidditch team decked out in their uniforms, and they looked like they were ready to head down to the pitch. I walk over to Harry quickly while Neville goes over to Seamus, Dean, Ron and Hermione.

"Hey Harry, can I talk to you?" I ask when I reach him. He nods and hands his broom to Oliver Wood, telling him he would be right back. "What's up Jay?" He asks me concerned. "Did y-you hear the snake last n-night?" I ask him unsteadily. His eyes widen.

"That's what that was?" He asks. I nod slowly, his question confirming that he did hear it. Suddenly a look of realization appears on his face. "How can you hear it?"

I explain to him about my blessings from each founder of Hogwarts, and that my blessing from Salazar Slytherin was that I could talk to snakes. He nods and looks over my shoulder. I turn turn and follow his line of eyesight and see the other five people of our gang coming over.

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