Chapter 9

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My friends and I all collapse in the Gryffindor common room after a long day of classes. Hermione hasn't talked much since the incident this morning and I'm really worried.

"Mione? You okay?" She nods and discreetly wipes a few tears. I stand up and pull her into a hug.

She cries into my shoulder and soon I feel the boys all join in the hug as well. We had told the other 3 what had happened and they immediately went to Hermione to cheer her up.

"I j-just don't understand. H-how could he do s-something like t-that?" Hermione says while crying. "Awe Mione. Who knows why Draco does half the stuff he does. He's not exactly the wisest." I say softly.

She nods and steps away from us. "I'm going to b-bed. G'Night guys." She waves softly and trudged up the stairs. I turn back to the boys and they all have frowns on their faces.

To cheer them up, I hug each boy and kiss their cheek. Except for Neville, I pecked his lips.

"I'm gonna turn in as well boys. G'night!" Neville followed me out the door that connects our two common rooms and the door shuts behind him. He walks up behind me and pecks my lips.

"G'night love. See ya in the mornin." I nod and give him a hug before climbing the stairs to my room. I change into my pajamas and as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out like a light.

Next DayI wake up the next morning and stretch

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Next Day
I wake up the next morning and stretch. Today's a Tuesday so I don't have actual classes. Sighing, I get out from under my comfy covers and stand up.

I walk over to my closet to pick on an outfit and finally decide on a red and blue flannel, dark blue skinny jeans, brown combat boots, a grey beenie, my jewelry from Neville and my ring from Mione. I also decide to make my hair white today as well.

After brushing my teeth and applying some light makeup, I walk downstairs to see Nev waiting for me. "Hey beautiful. Sleep well?" I nod and kiss his cheek. "Breakfast?" I ask him kindly. He nods and pulls me out of the common room.

We walk into the Great Hall and sit at the Gryffindor table. I would go sit with the Slytherins but after yesterday's whole fiasco with Draco, I decided not to. I probably would end up punching him in the face or something. My friends and I all talk softly and soon the bell sounds for us to go to class.

I kiss Neville on the cheek before we walk out of the hall. My friends wave to me as they head to their first class while I walk to Dumbledore's office.

"Sugar Snaps."

The gargoyle jumps and I climb the stairs to Dumbledore's office. I knock on the door and wait till he responds. Once he does I push open the door.

"Ah, Miss Lupin. How are you this morning?" He asks me kindly. "Good sir." I say softly. He nods and tells me we are going to be working on my element powers today. "Okay, I want you to make a small tornado Miss Lupin."

I think of a small tornado and move my hands in a circular motion. Soon enough, in front of me is a small tornado, blowing parchment everywhere. Dumbledore looks impressed. "Nicely done Miss Lupin." I smile and wave my hand making the storm disappear.

"Now, make a small fireball."

I nod and wave my hands in a circular motion causing them to heat up. I look down and see my hands are bright red. Pulling one hand back, I see a small fire sitting in the base of my hand.

"I've done it Sir!" I say excitedly. Dumbledore nods to me before I blow out the fire.

"Alright Miss Lupin, let's take a break shall we? Don't want you getting too tired too soon." Dumbledore says. I nod and walk over to his door. "I'll be back sir." I tell him before disappearing down the stairs.


I grab a chicken leg as I wait for my friends to get to the Great Hall for lunch.

"Joesy!" I hear my friends say. I look over to see them all coming to the table. Neville and Seamus sit on either side of me while everyone else fills around us. "How are classes going?" I ask Hermione.

She smiles at me and passes me my notes she took for me. "Awww I missed the fun charms in Transfiguration." I whine. Hermione laughs at me as I put the notes in my bag.

"How are things going with Dumbledore?" Harry asks me. I smile and move my hands like Dumbledore told me to and made a small fire in my hands again. Ron's eyes widen.

"Better not make this one mad Neville. You might get torched." Ron says, making everyone except Neville laugh.

Here you go guys! Another edited chapter

Love you all!! ~Potterhead0226

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