Chapter 62

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Aarohi's POV

We cuddled on the couch and watched a movie. My phone vibrated. I turned on my phone and forced my tired eyes on the screen. It was a message from Dev.

Dev: Hello my dear princess? What are you doing?

I smiled and answered,

Aarohi: On a date..

I giggled. Dev answered back,

Dev: Oh...

I read the message and laughed.

Aarohi: Chill! I'm having a date with Tanisya and your sister. We're watching a movie.

I sent the message.

Dev: I knew it! Haha! Have fun! See you! And I love you.

I smiled and replied.

Aarohi: I love you too!

I turned my phone off and continued to watch the tv. But as I looked up at the tv, the movie wasn't there anymore. It was changed to the news.

"Music producer, Vivek was sentenced to a death sentence which will be executed tomorrow. Police officer, Gujrat Singh told our reporters that Mr Vivek has something to tell India and the world." The reporter said. Vivek came on screen. He looked disheveled.

"Namaste my dear friends, I should look sad and scared that I will be hanged tomorrow. But no. I'm not. I'm happy that, after 1pm tomorrow, I will go back to one of my best friend, who's like my brother. No, not god. But to the our heartland singer. Rahul Jaykar. I'm excited to meet him. We can hang out together like we used to. That feeling is awesome. I can't wait. Good luck with life friends! Goodbye!" Vivek said and the reporter came back on.

"Sicko!" Tanya said.

"I freaking know right!" Tanisya said.

"Well, what can we say? He have to go through what he deserves. There's nothing we can do. I only pity Saigal Uncle. I wonder what he's going through now." I said.

"Yeah. Poor him. He doesn't deserve all this. He's old. He needs to rest." Tanisya said.

"Yeah. You know, if old people worry too much, it'll be a hazard to their health." Tanya said. Just then, the house phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered the call.

"Hello, may I speak to Miss Aarohi Keshav Shirke?" The caller said.

"Yes, this is Aarohi speaking. Can I help you?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm Doctor Prema from HeartLand Hospital. I want to inform you that Mr Saigal is in hospital now after suffering from a mild heart attack." The doctor said. I was shocked.

"Hello? Hello? Aarohi?" The doctor said when I didn't reply.

"Yeah. I'm still on the line. Sorry. May I know what ward is he warded in please?" I said tears flowing down my cheeks as I took the paper and pencil.

"Okay he is warded in the deluxe ward on level four of the hospital. His ward number is four. You can ask for directions when you get here." The doctor said.

"Okay. Thank you, Doctor Prema." I said and cut the call. I sobbed a few tears as she walked into the living room. Tanya and Tanisya saw me crying and they ran over to me.

"What happened?" Tanya asked her.

"Get dressed girls. We're going to the hospital." I said wiping away my tears.

"Why? What's wrong?" Tanisya asked.

"Saigal Uncle... He... He..." I stuttered.

"He what?" Tanisya asked.

"He suffered a mild heart attack. He is now in the hospital." I said crying.

"Okay let's get dressed. Okay?" Tanya said. We all nodded, went to get dressed and drove off to HeartLand Hospital.

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