First Words Chapter 6

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(Note: Well, this is up MUCH earlier than I expected! Comment if you like this! :D)

Wheatley opened his optic slightly, the dim blue light shadowing the room. He heard the creaks of the bed as Chell tossed and turned. He opened his optic fully, sadly watching her thrash at the cold air. Her breath coming faster and faster, as if she were running, or... fighting something. Wheatley's memories flashed back to when the portal was opened up on the moon. He couldn't forget the vacuum sucking him in, threatening him to be trapped forever. He had asked Chell to sacrifice herself, so he could save himself. He remembered the desperate look on her face, she just wanted to get out of the facility, with him, so that they could be free from Her, but he ruined it. All of it. Just because of the stupid mainframe. Her telling him he was a moron, all of it was too much for him. If robots could cry, he probably would be crying right now. He looked down. The blue light now focusing on the nightstand. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I take it back..." He whispered, glancing back up at her. He watched her thrash around, breaths coming even faster now. His optic snapped upwards, and narrowed. She was dreaming about fighting him. "Wait! Wait! Maybe I can... make this a good dream!" He raised his lower optic shutter in a smile, nodding. "Uh, Chell, if you can hear me, say apple." He said, wincing. He saw her jerk her legs, as if she jumped. "That's close enough, uh, there is this nice, white hallway, walk down it, just take your time, it's nice and quiet, just follow me!" He told her, confidence showing in his voice. Chell's breathing slowed down noticeably, showing him that it was working. "Look, a elevator to the surface! Get on it, and I'll meet you up at the top!" Her legs twitched slightly, in rhythm, like she was walking somewhere. "Great job, now, you are at the top of the elevator, and we are going to live out here now, away from her." Chell had stopped moving, and her breathing was normal paced now. She was facing him now, and the corners of her lips were turned up in a small smile. "I'm about to jump off my management rail, can you catch me?" He asked her. Her head moved up and down ever so slightly, just enough that Wheatley could pick up on it. "Ok, one, two, three. Ok, I'm assuming you caught me, let's just walk along here." He guided her. He glanced up from Chell to look at the windows, there was light coming through the closed blinds. It was almost morning. Wheatley turned up his vocal volume. "Hey, hey Chell, I think it's time to get up. It's getting brighter outside." No response. He raised the volume again. "Hello, Chell, wake up please." He said again. Chell let out a small groan of disapproval, and turned over on the squeaking bed. "You do realize we can't live in this place forever, right? This only a temporary place. Remember?" She sat up, nodded and swung her feet off the bed, getting off of it. Chell gave a small pat on Wheatley's shell, walking off towards the kitchen. "Wait! Where are you going? Take me with you!" Wheatley whined, not wanted to be out of her sight. Chell tiredly shook her head, now at the fridge, looking for something to eat. Wheatley moved his outer plating, rolling him off the nightstand, landing on the carpet with a muffled "clunk". Chell turned around, and walked over to him and picked him up by the handle. "Yay!" The core chirped. She rolled her eyes, he could get so excitable sometimes. She walked back over to the open fridge, setting him down on the counter. She looked through what she would be able to eat. Milk, 2 eggs, and some orange juice. Chell pulled out the eggs, and she shuffled through some lower cabinets and found a frying pan. Even though she had been in the facility for so long, things like cooking somehow were natural to her. When she finally found a pan, she rinsed it off and cracked the eggs into the pan. "How are you doing that? Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Wheatley questioned. Chell shrugged. Wheatley's optic narrowed. "Be careful! You might burn this place down if you're not careful!!" He yelled. She turned her crystal gaze on him, he stopped questioning her immediately. He knew how strong she was, he knew how smart she was. Chell continued cooking the eggs until she was satisfied with their firmness. She turned off the stove, and looked around in the cabinets for a plate, or a bowl, she didn't really care. As long as she could eat, she didn't care. After a while, she found a paper plate. Chell walked over to the pan with the plate, dropping the eggs onto it. She picked up Wheatley, and she carried the plate and the twitching core over to the bed, setting him down on the nightstand, she sat down on the bed. Picking up the eggs with her fingers, as no forks or spoons were anywhere. "Why aren't you eating with one of those metal prong things?" He asked her. Chell shrugged. Almost her answer to everything was a shrug. She lowered the egg into her mouth, Wheatley watched her eat until the two eggs were gone. Chell got up, and threw the plate in the trash. "Great, you got your energy, now, lets go find you a job! So, we can go somewhere else than, here. You know?" He raised his handles hopefully. Chell shook her head, and made a hand gesture that he interpreted as "Wait". She dug around in the dresser for a bit, and found a tattered pair of jeans. She went into the bathroom, and put on the jeans, they were a bit baggy, but they worked. She walked out of the bathroom, she had to keep the Aperture tank top on, it was her only shirt. She picked up Wheatley, and walked out the door. Ready to go job hunting.

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