First Words Chapter 8

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"Well, we finally did it! It took a while but hey, we did it!" Chell pulled the core up to her shoulder, smiling herself, they had done it. They finally got enough money to get an apartment and pay the rent and bills. She walked into the apartment, looking at the clean interior. It was a really nice one for how much they had to pay rent. She walked over to the couch in the living room, setting him down on the middle cushion and sat next to him, grabbing the tv remote and turning it on. Chell looked at the ceiling. Maybe she could install a rail there, so he could get around the apartment on his own. The landlord did allow minor changes. She looked through the channels, as she expected, not one she might like. She turned the tv off, and she picked up Wheatley and set him on her lap, watching him glance around. "So... uh, what do we do now?" He asked her . She shrugged, she really didn't know what to do, but this was nice, even though they weren't doing anything. "Ok, I'm going to take a guess, and say that we can just sit here and talk?" Chell nodded, she didn't mind him going on and on about things at all, in fact, she loved it, it was calming to have another sentient being with her. "Ok! I think I can do that, so... have you thought about having cake? At all? Like, She promised you that you would get cake after testing for Her, but you never got it! Did you? No, She was all like 'No cake for you, I'm a liar, ha ha.' and you're left there sad because you didn't get your cake! Right?" His handles rose and fell as he talked, squeaking slightly. She watched him circle his optic, roll around, and just be... Wheatley! Chell brought her hand to the top of his optic plate, her finger tracing small circles around it, earning her a few quiet moans from him. She smirked, feeling the core shudder beneath her touch. "What are you doing exactly? And why? It's not like I don't like it, but why?" He asked her. Chell just shrugged, her other hand sliding towards the back of him, her fingernail gently scraping the port he used to "hack" the devices in the facility. His optic narrowed at the sudden contact, looking up at her. "Can- can you answer me? Just tell me, you're just... aagh, point taken, point taken, no answer, just keep doing that, please. Man alive..." He uttered, his optic rolling slightly to the side. Chell scooted him slghtly towards her some more, her hand moving again to his handle, her fingers rubbing on the smooth metal. "Ohh... right there... that's perfect luv..." He encouraged, rubbing his handle against her hand, letting out a simulated moan. Wheatley closed his optic, his outer casing shuddering under her touch. She stopped altogether, she picked him up, and set him next to her again. Chell pulled her knees up to her chest, setting him down in between them, balancing him with a few fingers. "No! Don't just stop! Keep going! That felt so bloody good, and you had to stop?!" Chell reached towards the small table next to the couch, grabbing the notepad she had gotten over two months ago from the woman, she scribbled down some words, and flipped it around to show him. He narrowed his optic shutters as if he were squinting and read out loud: "Just wait and see... what is that supposed to mean? Is it some- some sort of code? Or what? You sneaky fox. Sneaky, just sneaky..." He trailed off, raising his optic from the note pad to Chell, giving her a look of desperation the best that he could. "Do you know how bloody good that felt? I mean yes, I'm a metal ball, but I can feel that, just so you know, just so you know. Can you just keep going? I would do it myself, but you know, not human, no arms... A metal sphere, clever, books. Heh... This is a bit awkward, you know, what you were doing to me, you just sitting there, smirking at me, teasing me. You little tease!" He exclaimed, rolling his optic plate around. Chell picked him up by his handle, standing up and walking over to the bedroom, setting him down by the clock. Chell lay down on the bed, facing him, she reached out and pet his casing, making him close his optic in return. "Ooohhh, right there luv, right there..." Chell let out a silent giggle, pressing down a bit harder on Wheatley. She pulled him off the nightstand, curling her body around him. "Uh, ok, apparently, you don't mind, me begging to you, asking you to continue doing that, but still, scince we are so close, can you, do that some more?" Chell smiled, turning the blue glow towards her, her hand resting on his metal casing, slowly stroking it. "Just like that luv, just like that..." He moaned, somehow breathless. She continued to run her fingers over the dented surface, enjoying the coolness of the metal. Wheatley looked at her, his bright blue optic half-lidded from the receptors picking up the pleasent tingles throughout his casing. Chell stopped, and pulled him closer to her, shifting him that he was underneath her chin, his normally bright optic dimmed a bit to make less stress for her eyes. "Are you tired? I am, I'm going to go to sleep mode, goodnght luv!" He whispered to her, his optic closing all the way. She felt a small, warm lump form in her chest and almost force a small squeak out of her throat. She managed to swallow it and pulled the core closer to her. Chell closed her eyes, her conciousness slipping away as she ran her hand over his casing again.

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