First Words Chapter 10

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"Yes, I see you, and no, I don't care." GLaDOS mumbled unhappily. Ever since she started the coopertave intitive, all Orange and Blue had done is mess around, infinate portal falling, high fiving, dancing, it drove her crazy that they weren't taking it as seriously as they should. Orange raised his hand towards Blue, who returned the gesture, making sparks fly in the air. They chirped incohereable words to each other, then ran towards the disassebaly machine to go on to the next test. The arms pulled them apart, their optics going dark as they were disconnected from their battery. She switched her camera view to the next chamber, which was pretty small, but had a long tunnel that had crushers smashing into each other, one by one, and reset once it reached the end where they would start at. Orange was the first to reach the chamber, and he ran into the room, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. Then Blue followed, looking around the chamber, trying to figure out the solution. "Orange, Blue, if you act like humans one more time, I'm deducting 100 Science Points from both of you." Blue's optic widened, looking at Orange in disbelief. Orange chirped at Blue some more, then shot a red portal above himself, then one directly below, Blue got what he was thinking and shot a light blue portal the the very top of the chamber, facing the crushers, and when they reset, he shot a purple one on top of the yellow one Orange had shot, making him fly over the crushers, landing on the other side, another room, but only a bit bigger, Orange shot a portal over back to where he was, then one on the wall next to him, he walked through it, and Blue followed him back into the new room. Blue noticed that the crushers stopped, and that there was a button on the ceiling connecting to the chamberlock. He walked through the tunnel, picking up a cube he didn't see before and taking it back to the chamber. He walked to the Airial Faith Plate and dropped the cube onto it, then he ran to to chamberlock, Orange following close behind. The cube hit the button, opening the round door, they walked through it, the red-lensed camera snapping up from the off position, following their every move. "This next test requires you to go outside of your normal testing track. Continue to the next room." She informed them. Blue shrugged at Orange, and they went through to the next room. The chamberlock shut behind them, and a white panel opened, revealing two robotic arms, each holding a cord of their respective color. More panels sprung out, black and yellow cords coming out form behind them, reaching them and restraining them so that they couldn't move. Orange's portal gun clattered to the ground, along with Blue's. The cords behind them whirring away, small ports emerging from them. The ports inserted them selves into the two, making electronic screams of pain come from Orange, and Blue thrashed around, trying to release himself from the cord's grip. Gentle laughter echoed through the room. "Have fun..." She said, just as their vision went dark. 

P-Body's vision flickered, his body aching as he tried to sit up. His fingers curled on the tight sheets, wait, fingers? He jumped up off the relaxation bed, his legs were too weak to support him, and he collapsed onto the floor. "Oh, by the way, I chose your gender by how you acted, that's another surprise!" GLaDOS informed them, he could hear the grin in her voice... He raised a shaking hand to his head, feeling long, soft hair. Long? He wasn't a he anymore, he was a she! She looked up at the bed next to her, seeing Atlas laying on it, still unconsious from the whole ordeal. She could clearly see that he was still a boy,  judging by the shorter hair, and the way his body frame was. She pulled herself up slowly by holding on to the frame of the stiff bed, her chestnut hair falling over her bright amber eyes. As soon as she let go, her legs collapsed again, only launching her forward, landing her square on Atlas's chest. He opened his eyes, and gasped audibly at the sight of P-Body, he sat up, looking himself over. "Ok, how about you two try speaking? It's easy. Blue almost did." Her voice rang through the room, static on the edge of her voice from the underused speakers. P-Body opened her mouth, but no words came out. "Try harder." GLaDOS encouraged. She tried again. "Ahhh, ahhh.." She smiled, and looked up at Atlas, her eyes wide with excitement. Atlas leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her, his head resting on her shoulder. She blushed. Human emotions are confusing. Atlas let her go and tried to stand up, and somehow succeeded, and he reached for her hand and pulled her to her feet, she stumbled a bit but stayed upwards. "Good Orange, you can finally stand, and talk, but Blue still needs to say something. You will be tested in your vocal skills in the next chamber. So learn quickly Blue. Your portal devices are up ahead." Panels shifted, opening up a passage to an elevator, they walked through it, and got on the elevator. The doors shut, and it went down. 

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