I dare you to... ~ part 4

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Marks POV

Almost the second we started the chat was exploding with "hi Mark" "hi Jack" and lots and lots of "SEPTIPLIER AWAY" of course... I had completely forgotten about the amount of Septiplier comments were gonna be made throughout this stream. It was the first one me and Jack had done alone, we'd done one with Bob and wade before which I spose made it different but now it was just us, alone...

I didn't realise that I hadn't said anything since we'd started until I heard jack say "Hi guys it's a me jackaboy! And I'm here with my smelly friend Mark!" Of course this made me laugh and get my head back in focus, "Hey everyone! For starters, I do not smell thank you very much! And, WELCOME TO OUR LIVESTREAM!!!" Jack started to set up the first game we were gonna play as I started answering some of the random questions that were popping up on chat and explaining a bit about the charity.

Jacks POV

I had just finished setting up the game when Mark sorted out the camera so they could watch his screen of playing, with us both in the corner. We were playing "who's your daddy" and making plenty of jokes and everything was going great! Until Mark decided he didn't wanna play anymore, "jaaaacckkk! I'm booorrreedddd lets do something elssssse!!!" He turned to the camera and asked "what do you guys think we should play now...? we need suggestions!" I just nodded in agreement and switched off the game. We both awkwardly stared at the responses flying in on the chat and a lot of them were to play the dreaded "Truth or Dare".

Please don't say that one, please don't say that one! I repeated over and over in my head.

Marks POV

A lot of the viewers were basically begging for us to play truth or dare and of course being the idiot I am I didn't see the harm in it so I turned to Jack who had a look of worry and then back to the camera and said, "Well, almost all o'you want us to play truth or dare! sooo I guess that's what we'll do!" Jacks face turned bright red when I said this and his smile dropped I could tell he was panicking. I just hoped the fans couldn't. "Ok then Mark... You go first, truth or dare?" He asked sheepishly his face still flushed Crimson red.

3rd person POV (surprise) 😂

Mark thought for a moment and of course being the daredevil he is, he screamed "Dare me Bitches I ain't no wimp!" Dares for Mark started popping up on screen a lot of them being sexual things towards Jack but he chose to ignore those, making Jack relax a little more. He finally chose to eat a ghost pepper and then almost die from the heat that he'd forgotten those had. Jack was in tears of laughter rolling around as Mark chugged milk sweat dripping from his forehead and eyes watering.

Jacks POV

After a few dares for each of us I could tell Mark was no longer having fun with the dares but he decided to keep going. It was his turn once again and we were looking through the requests of dares for Mark. The variety had started to shrink as more and more people were dying to get more fuel for the septiplier ship. I know it was weird but I kinda wanted Mark to do something, anything, to do with septiplier... I was just curious and plus he looked so hot right now...

No Jack shut up stop it... I was cut off from my thoughts by Mark reading out the dare he's finally chosen "ok ok I give up so many people want this so let's just get it over and done with! 'I dare Mark to kiss Jack! It can just be a peck or more but MUST be on the lips!' Ok c'mere Jack give papa some smooches"

I turned my head in shock at the dare he'd chosen, I felt my heart beat quicken and my face was on fire, I could tell I was sweating, and blushing like a tomato. "Don't I get a say in this!?" I asked so flustered I didn't know what else to say, the thing is, is that secretly I wanted this. I wanted to feel marks lips on mine even just for a split-second! I needed it... Mark just looked me dead in the eyes and edged closer, his mouth slightly parted so I could tell this wasn't just going to be a peck...

Marks POV

I don't know what came over me but I decided that I didn't care what anyone else thought, now was my chance to show Jack but to have an excuse if things went wrong. So I leant closer to him, and surprisingly he brought his face closer to mine. I grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and closed the gap between us, smashing our lips together. At first he didn't kiss back but after a few moments his lips started to move perfectly in sinc with mine and I completely forgot we were on a livestream...

I didn't care, all I was thinking about was how perfect jacks lips were on mine, our kiss became more heated as he put his hands on my head tangling his fingers in my hair and tugging slightly, I had one hand holding his face closer to mine and the other on his waist. Suddenly he broke the kiss with a frightened look on his face and a trail of saliva still connecting us, he pounced back into his chair and wiped his mouth looking into the camera with a bright red face. I turned and then remembered that thousands of people would have watched what just happened...


A.N. I'll be trying to update as often as I can sorry to leave a cliffhanger again but I'll try and get the next one up tomorrow ASAP I promise this is my no .1 priority as of now! 😂👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼

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