Chapter 1: Excitement.

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Kiri's POV:

This is going to be the best night ever. 5 Seconds of Summer AND One Direction, doing a concert together, with me in the crowd. But that isn't even the best part. I HAVE BACK STAGE PASSES!! Ok, so you are probably a tad confused right now. Ok, let me rewind a bit.

My name is Kiri Holland and I am just your average teenager. I love chocolate, Harry Styles and my family. But there is one thing that EVERY normal teenage girl should do. Obsses over One Direction. Which I do a tad to much.

On my birthday, one of my very good friends, Simone Doggett, gives me the biggest heart-attack, but a good one. Yeah, I am still alive!

She came to my house at about 5pm with a couple of pizzas and some other junk food.

Both of us colapsed on the couch.

"So, what are we going to watch" Simone said.

"The One Direction movie obviously" I reply.

She groans which makes me laugh. She was adimit she would never become a directioner, but I will get her. When she least expects it as well.

But what I didn't expect was the envolope she pulled out of her pocket when the credits were rolling.

"What's this?" I asked puzzled.

"Just a small something" she replies with a shrug of her shoulders.

"But you already got to One Directions new CD, I don't need anything else."

"I think you will change your mind once you look inside."

I tried giving her a look but she wouldn't give in. She could be so stubborn sometimes. I knew I was fighting a lost battle.

Curiousity finally got the best of the so I ripped open the evenlope and it's contence left me speechless.

It contained a plane ticket to Sydney, one ticket to the Once Direction and 5sos concert and A FREAKIN BACKSTAGE PASS!

I jumped onto Simone to give her a huge hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I scream.

She laughs at my enthusiasm.

"No problem Kiri" she replies.

"But, this is only one ticket" I say.

This causes her smile to grow. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out an identical envelope.

I was not only going to see 1D and 5sos, I was going with one of my bestest friends. Now I knew that I wouldn't get into any trouble, Simone was very, open about her opinions. She had no problem telling someone that she hates them or telling them that what they think is wrong, but that's what makes her lovable. 


So here I am, in the Hilton hotel, going on and on about how excited I am while Simone just smiles and nods, I have a feeling she wasn't excited as me. But she was still here and I was happy about that.

As I put the finishing touches on my outfit, the butterflies started to go crazy inside me. They just wouldn't calm down but that is understandable. I was about to meet my idols and my crush.

Now I know that Harry Styles has probably about a gazillion girls crushing on him but I had a feeling that he would like me. I know it's most likely just me dreaming but I don't know, it didn't feel like it.

"Kiri!" I hear Simone yell. "Hurry up or I'm leaving without you.

I quickly made my way over to Simone, there was no way I was going to miss out on this opportunity.

"Finally" She exclaims. "What took you so long!?"

"I had to make myself look good" I retorted.

She rolls her eyes at me and walks out the door to go and see the concert. I laugh as I follow her.

As we were making our way down the elevator I, yet again, starting to talk about excited I was and came out with all of these facts about 1D.

Simone was a good sport and humoured me. She even told me a fact that I didn't even know! And that is something.

Once we get outside and make our way to the car I see not your normal taxi but a freaking limo! Simone was pulling out all the stops for this one.

I went and gave her a hug so big, it probably could of killed a giant. I hear her struggle to breathe so I decide that it is not the best option. I'm pretty sure that murder is illegal in Australia.

We both step in the car and Simone tries to return her breathing to normal.

I laugh and say "Sorry."

"It's fine" she says. "I know how excited you are."

Well she was right about that. She may not know when their birthdays are or their middle names but she was a good friend.

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