Chapter 8: What?

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Kiri's POV:

Everyone looked at Harry like he was crazy, like this was something he never did. But I got the feeling that he was just hiding from everyone.

"What's your problem" Louis asked Harry.

"Well I don't have a problem, someone else, they do" Harry said looking directly at me and Simone. I turned to face Simone knowing what was coming, but this time, I did want to stop her. Harry deserved everything he would get.

"Who the hell do you think you are Harry! The only reason I am here is for Kiri, in fact, you are lucky there are other people in the room otherwise I may not be able to hold back from ripping off your little head.

You are just so conniving. You have people like Kiri thinking that you are this amazing god when really, you are just evil and can't stand it when someone doesn't bow down before you.

You Harry, you disgust me. I hope you are happy."

Simone's face was red from scream at Harry. I have never seen her so angry before, I was a bit scared of her. But I knew that Simone would never let any hurt her friends, and she knows that Harry had hurt me.

Simone made her way over to where Luke and Calum were sitting and collapsed in between them. She must be exhausted. Before turning my attention to Harry, I caught Luke look at Simone with a smirk on his face and Calum, well he looked shocked.

"Well Simone, you listen here" Harry started. But Simone wasn't going to have that.

At the top of her lungs, she started singing "LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!" until Harry stopped.

"So immature" Harry muttered under his breathe before storming out of the room. And even after everything, I couldn't stop myself. I followed him.

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