Chapter 7: Jealousy and Disappointment.

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Kiri's POV:

Louis Introduces us to those intruders. Simone was SO friendly to them. Why couldn't she act the same way around One Direction?

Even though Simone was nice, I could tell she was pissed. She thought that it was just going to be me and her, not theses girls.

I am brought out of my thought by someone calling my name.

"Kiri. Kiri. KIRI!" Simone yells right in my face.

"Oh, sorry" I apologies. "I was just, thinking."

"That's alright" She replied. "Just be social and stop mopping around."

"I'm not mopping" I retorted.

"Suuuurrrrrrreeeeeee" she says rolling her eyes at me.

I start laughing slightly and turn to meet the devils. One quickly hugs me and I stand there awkwardly for a moment. I didn't want to be in the same room as her let alone hug her. But I give in not wanting Louis to think I'm mean.

"Hello" She says in a chirpy voice. "My name is Abigail Grundai and I am a friend of Louis."

"I'm Kiri" I reply.

"I know silly. Simone already told me!"

I felt a bit weird but it wasn't my fault that she made me not know what was going on around me.

There was a boy standing behind Abigail. Was he her boyfriend? I don't know but I hoped so because I wanted One Direction all to myself.

 "Hello" I said to him. "You are..."

"Ethan" he replied. "Ethan Grundai."

"So you're Abigal's sister?"



And awkward silence set in the room. It felt like we had been standing there for hours when Zayn bounced in to the and onto Louis's back.

"Oi" Louis said.

Zayn just laughed and turned his attention to Abigail.

"And who's the lovely lady" he asked causing Abigail to blush.

Louis and Ethan both were obviously very protective of Abigail and the look on their face proved that.

Ethan jumped in front of Zayn. "She is my sister and I suggest you back off."

This went on for a while with Ethan and Louis both making sure Zayn went nowhere near Abigail.

I really wish I had some popcorn.

Eventually they came to the agreement that Zayn would show Abigail around the arena as long as Ethan went with them. Leaving Louis to introduce us to the 2 bands.

I felt really nervous about seeing Harry again but I thought that maybe this time would be better. Maybe, just maybe,

Louis and Simone talk on the way as I just walk besides them. The butterflies were going crazy in my stomach. What if Harry really did hate me. What if just the sight of me disgusted him. Or was it Simone? It could quite possibly be. I mean, she hates 1D. Maybe Harry could tell that. Hopefully.

We arrive to the room and Louis walks in.

"Guys, I want you to met Simone and Kiri" Louis sang as he entered the dressing room.

"We've already met " Harry says bluntly.

Well this was going to be fun.

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