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Meredith didn't know what to do. She wanted to trust Dylan and go back to how things were but she just couldn't. She read through all of their texts, from the first day when she accidentally texted him instead of Elle to the last day, where he said he would wait for her. Meredith was hoping she could find some sort of clues that could tell her why Dylan's friend said that. The first time she read through she thought she was overreacting and was being stupid, but the second time she noticed some things. Meredith read through each text eight times before she came up with an explanation.

Dylan wasn't just any normal Dylan, he was the Dylan, Dylan O'Brien. It was far fetched for sure but that seemed to be the only thing that makes sense. 'But why would Dylan O'Brien be texting me? Of all people?' Meredith thought to herself. She didn't get it that seemed to be the only thing, everything she found, that seems to be the only thing that makes sense.

Dylan sat on his desk chair sad and lonely. The only thing he wanted to do so badly was text Meredith, but he couldn't. She was still upset with him. He knew she would find out sooner or later but not this soon. He wasn't ready to tell her yet. He still wanted things to be normal with her. Dylan wanted to tell Meredith when the time was right. He wasn't upset with Tyler for telling her though, Tyler didn't know that Meredith didn't know about him. He just was hoping that she would text him and he could explain everything to her. He wanted to tell her everything, every little detail about himself.

Word count: 295
Published: August 22, 2016

Hey guys!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while it's because school has started for me. Anyway sorry this chapter is so short I really just needed to update for you guys. Okay well bye!

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