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10 [Face to Face]
Not edited
Today is the day that Meredith finally gets to meet the boy of her dreams. She was searching through her closet trying to find the perfect outfit. One that was casual but also not casual. She mixed and matched almost all the clothes in her closet, her room floor now a mess, before she let out a huff. She has no idea what she should wear. She picked up her phone and called her mom so she could help her.

Today was it. Dylan finally gets to meet the girl he has been crushing on. He began to search for his outfit with the help of his best friend Tyler. Together they found the perfect outfit. Now it was time for Tyler to give Dylan his best friend talk.


Meredith walked through the the door of the café looking for Dylan. She finally found him slouched in a booth with his sunglasses on. She decided to sneak up on him. "Boo!" She yelled while throwing her arms toward him. Dylan jumped and gave out a slight Yelp of surprise. "Did I scare you?" Meredith asked with a smile.

"A little." Dylan said with a laugh before realizing that this is Meredith in real life. They are face to face for the first time. "Oh my gosh Meredith!" Dylan said while jumping up from him sitting position to give Meredith a huge hug. Meredith gave him the strongest squeeze she could give.

"I can't believe this is actually happening!" Meredith said with excitement evident in her voice.

"Me either!" Dylan said while they both took a seat with smiles.

"So I'm guessing the glasses is so no one recognizes you?" Meredith questioned.

"Uh yeah" Dylan said with a nervous chuckle. He didn't want to wear the glasses but he wanted their relationship to be real and not just something for the magazines.

"It's fine I get it." Meredith said with a laugh.


The two talked for hours and hours until Meredith's phone broke them out of the conversation they were having about their secret dreams. "Hey mom." Meredith answered her phone. She groaned with protest at her moms request to pick her sister up from dance but none the less she would do it. "I'm so sorry but I have to go pick my sister up from dance."

"That's okay we will hang out more later." Dylan said.

"Yeah we defiantly will. I need to meet Tyler it sound so funny." Meredith said with a chuckle.


"Okay well I better get going," Meredith said while giving Dylan a hug, "bye, I'll text you!"

"Okay bye!" Dylan said while they both walked away in different directions. Today was a day the two would never forget.

Word count: 460
Published: October 26th, 2016
Edited: 0 times

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been updating as much but life as gotten in the way;( anyway this chapter sucks but I wanted to update this story!! Anyway it's late so bye I'll try and update soon!

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