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12 [Sara gets to visit]

Dyl pickle💘
Hey Merebear, how's it going?

Could be better, you?

Dyl pickle💘
It's going great! But why isn't it going great for you?

I think my step sister Sara is flying in today and my mom is making us all go to lunch:/

Dyl pickle💘
Isn't that a good thing???

No. Sara and I always got into fights. I guess we just never really got along. We have different taste in everything.

Dyl pickle💘
Oh I'm sorry. Maybe it will be different. I hope you have a good time text me if anything happens!💗

Thanks, I will:)
Read 10:00am

"Come on Meredith lets go!" My mom yelled at me from downstairs.

I decided after my conversation with Dylan that I wanted to just ride with my mom and little sister to the restaurant.

"Coming." I yelled back at her. I grabbed my phone and purse and headed downstairs.

When we got to the restaurant Sara was already there.

"Sara!" Lily yelled while running over to give her a hug. Sara and lily were close, I mean Lily and I were closer but that's because I lived with her.

"Hey Sara." Mom said while also giving her a hug.

"Meredith you aren't going to say hello to me?" Sara asked me, I just said a simple hello with a small smile while we all went to go sit down.

After a while of simple chatting I got a text.

Dyl pickle💘
Hey just wanted to check up and see how lunch was going.

Just as I was about to respond I heard Sara speak up. "Meredith who are you texting? You shouldn't even be texting in the first place. We are trying to have a nice conversation."

"It's probably her boyfriend." Lily said with a smile. I froze. Nobody not even my mother knows about Dylan, I have no idea how Lily found out.

"N-no. I don't have a boyfriend." I stutter out.

"Yes you do! I always see you texting him!" Lily yelled and I gave her a warning look.

"Who is it Meredith?" My mother asked me.

"Yeah Mere, who?" Sara said in sweet voice.

"Just someone named Dylan." I said with a smile and I felt my cheeks get red.

"Dylan who?" Sara asked and I was speechless not knowing what to say.

"Just Dylan." I said trying to brush it off.

"Okay? Can I least see a picture." She asked me.

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