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13 [ Lily please ]
Not edited

Dyl pickle💘
Just wanted to check up on you...
See how you were feeling about everything..
Read: 10:03 am

After the whole thing with Sara and my break down my mother and sister finally came and Dylan decided to give me some space. My mom was mad at first but after she saw the article she felt sorry for me. She made me soup and tea and put on my favorite movie and said I was to not move from my bed. Lily came into my room and laid down next to me without saying a word. She hasn't said anything since the fight and it's scaring me.

"Lily, will you just say something to me?"

"Like what?"

"Anything." I whispered.

"Okay how about the fact that your dating a celebrity and didn't want to tell anyone," she started and I was about to tell her that I wanted to tell everyone about my thing with Dylan but she cut me off and kept talking,"No I'm not done. Second you can't even pretend to like Sara for an hour to have lunch. Then you get in a fight and the only way to get you to stop was to get security to pull you off of each other. Then you run away from mom and I and then you come here and cry and make everyone feel sorry for you. I'm sick of you and mom. You don't even call us, we have to call you. The only reason you ever see me is because you have to pick me up from places."

"Lily that is not true! I talk to you all the time." I respond raising my voice.

"No you don't! You never do! I just miss my big sister. The one who would play with me and talk to me all the time about anything." She yelled and I could see her eyes gloss over.

"You still have me, lily! I never left! I'm here and I'm talking to you and I want to talk to you! It's my choice to pick you up and I pick you up so that we can talk to other. I know it's not as much as when I lived with you but I do try."

"Whatever." she said while getting up and walking away. I sighed and put my head in my hands. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I hear my phone ring, I would have declined the call but when I saw it was Elle I answered.

"Hey Elle." I spoke into the phone.

"Hey Mere, I just thought you should know that Becca was in an accident and is at the hospital in a coma. I'm not going to be able to do brunch tomorrow." Elle spoke quietly into the phone.

"Elle that's awful do you want me to go with you?" I questioned.

"No,no I'll be okay, she'll be okay. Besides you have a lot going on."

"okay well you better keep me updated."

"I will, you better do the same."

"Deal. Bye."

"Bye." She said and I heard the static noise signaling the end of the call. With nothing more to do I laid down and closed my eyes until the darkness took away all my thoughts.

Authors note:
This chapter sucks ik ik ik. I'm struggling with figuring out how I want this to go. But for now enjoy this bad chapter. ill try and get the next chapter up soon but i've been so busy I never have time to sit down and write! I will try my best but I have a lot going on right now, a lot more than i thought i would and its taken a toll on me. anyway I hope you guys are doing great!

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