08; Questions and Answers

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adjective | stol - id | meaning - showing little or no emotion ; not easily excited or upset

08; Questions and Answers

After many years of hunting, Miles Argent had learned to remain vigilant no matter how weary he was. And while nothing drained him as much as Mr.Drennings in World History, he still noticed nearly immediately how closely Allison and and one Scott McCall were sitting together when he entered the lunchroom.

To most people, it wouldn't have seemed out of the ordinary. The pair had their backs to each other, sitting at two separate tables and not at all acknowledging each other. 

But Miles wasn't most people. He had quickly picked up on the fact that Allison was discreetly moving her lips as she stared forward, obviously talking to someone even though there was no one else around her at the table. Getting closer, Miles notices that Scott was doing the same, and it became clear that the two were trying to talk to each other secretively. Unfortunately, while Allison may be pretty sly, Miles was incredibly vigilant. 

Miles neared the table his cousin was sitting at, and when Allison noticed him she quickly clamped her mouth shut. Scott had begun to look over his shoulder, probably to see why she'd abruptly stop talking, but when he caught sight of the older Argent, Scott nearly broke his neck trying to turn back around. 

"Hey, Al," Miles greeted, deciding for the time being that he was going to pretend that what he just saw didn't happen. He had decided that while it was clear that Allison was fratinizing with a supernatural creature, Miles wanted to see what exactly was going on, because he knew he eventually was going to have to bring a stop to it. That was, after all, what his entire purpose in life amounted to; stopping supernatural trouble dead in it's tracks, normally quite literally. 

"Hey," Allison said back to her cousin. Her eyes studied him carefully. She must've wanted to know if Miles had seen anything, or even what he knew about Scott, but she definitely wasn't going to ask. 

"You know I have a favor to ask," Miles began. His eyes flickered over to Scott, who was concentrating awfully hard on his unopened box of apple juice, and Allison jumped ever so slightly. "I'm still knew at school, you know, and I was hoping you could help me in the lunch line. Steer me away from getting gross foods, and all. Think you come do that for me?" 

His message was clear, he wanted her to get up. Allison knew that much, but she didn't know why. How much could her father had possibly told him about Scott? Did Miles think Scott was just an ex-boyfriend, or did he know Scott was more then that and strategically planning the werewolf's death? The Miles she used to know wouldn't have done that, but she didn't know anymore with this one. 

Allison had paled even more then usual, and with a quick nod of her head, gathered her things and began to stand up. But when she did, Miles' phone went off. He slid it out of his jacket pocket, read a message that Allison couldn't see, and frowned. 

"I'm gonna need a rain check on that actually," Miles said, slidding his phone back into his pocket. "Duty calls." 

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