S11-E1: Similar Interests

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A/N: Back again with another novelization request. This time for Season 11! (Yes, I know I'm jumping all over the place with seasons but hey, I never said any of these were going to be written in order. I just write what I think is the most interesting at the time) This piece though is... well... more of a conversation type... no real action here and you'll see why in a bit.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this novelization bit, requested by NightWingJusticeS

I can try to do requests as long as they're within the series, though I can try to do an original bit like I did with Barney's Death but that'll be tricky to do. Still, I'll try my best, if I can't do that then I apologize in advance and hope you can settle with an actual moment from the series itself.


Its funny really, how far we've come... (sigh) Shelby and Nick constantly being a thorn in my side. It's nice though... Now that I've taken them, they shouldn't be causing me too much more trouble.

...I did have to team up, though, with Red. Ah, similar interests though... even if he IS a cannibal; but it helps me further my experiments. And soon the world will be perfect and you'll see - everything has its reason. I wouldn't do this if there was no end...

It'll all be clear soon enough...



Angry eyes glared at the cracked floor of an equally dirty cell as if the very thing offended the occupant somehow. But those eyes didn't see the floor, just stared past it as thoughts raced through the Avatar's mind as he created, examined and chucked plans of escape one after another. Scenarios in which didn't end well in his favor were tossed aside as he searched for the one in which he and his friend survived. Maybe not unscathed but alive nonetheless and that was the captured's main goal.

To escape alive.

Footsteps echoed loudly down hall near his cell and from the sounds of it... coming toward his location. Nick ignored it in favor of continuing to plan his escape, a fleeting thought of it just being another guard before it was swatted away to clear room for the more important objective. Still the footfalls were loud and irritating, a distraction but the Avatar didn't bother to yell for the person walking to be more quiet about it.

What was the point?

Nearly everyone in this hellhole was an enemy.

So the captured Avatar did his best to tune out the offending noise and kept crunching data in his mind as he ran scenario after scenario in his mind's eye to find that perfect means of escape. And it very much worked... the footsteps faded away until he failed to noticed the person walking had stopped at his cell. And lasted until the person spoke...

"Well well well..."

The smug tone of it set Nick's teeth on edge, instantly recognizing who it was.

The familiar flat and dry voice with a large dose of superiority. It belonged to only one person. The one person that created the living nightmare they all lived in now. One person that destroyed the lives of billions of Avatars around the world for the sake of 'improving' it. The one person that thought they could play god in defiling the dead...

"Ross." Nick hissed venomously as he turned his burning glare from the floor to the narwhal that stood on the other side of the bars that trapped the brunet.

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