A/N: Happy New Years!

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Yeah, I know I haven't posted anything over a month or so and I apologize. Been busy helping with adding a central heating unit to the house then drawing a total blank for a moment to write... then got distracted with Pokemon Sun and Moon and Monster Hunter. And lo and behold, having family pop up like daisies for the holidays. 

Kinda why I don't like the holidays much, I mean I love my family, my cousins but things just get hectic that I don't get time to be alone long enough to type anything, let alone listen to music or play games aside what's on my 3DS. 

So yeah... I deeply apologize for the lack of content. But I do have a moment in mind to write, something a little more refreshing but its the wording that's got me stumped. Which I'm sad wasn't written in time for Christmas and won't be ready in time for New Year's.  :(

But I do have something in the works, just don't have the time until things settle down and family kindly fucks off to leave me be long enough to write shit. xD

I digress though, I'm not here to whine about my life or all that bad news. I'm here to wish you guys a Happy New Year! :D And hoped you had an awesome Christmas and whatever happened doesn't weigh you down completely as we enter the year of 2017!



Love you all, my readers! :3

~ Vix

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