Lie To Me

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          Landon's P.O.V
        I don't know what to think. Everything is playing like a movie before my eyes. I don't even want to think about the Layla situation, my mom is hounding me about the business and my girlfriend doesn't trust me.
She stayed with me last night though. I'm not sure if that's a positive or a negative because she saw me throwing up which I'm sure isn't attractive, but she didn't hesitate to lay next to me.
Now I'm up getting ready for church, getting ready to meet her dad and I'm unsure about everything. I've never been this unsure about anything.
I walk up to Joelle's door and she swings it open.
" you took my advice," she smiles and kisses me and I laugh.
     " I had to make a good first impression," I smile and she laughs.
     " My dad should be pulling up shortly so,"she begins, but is cut off by another mans voice.
     " Nice suit," he calls out and I turn around to a lighter man with eyes matching Joelle's. He has gray in his five o'clock shadow and curly short hair.
     " Thank you sir, you look very nice yourself," I smile and Joelle walks over to hug her dad.
" Dad this is Landon. Landon this is my dad Vick," I smile and they do the casual man hug before going to church.
      " Who is this handsome young man," a constant sound that's ringing in my ears. Joelle has been going to this church since she was a little girl .They saw her family together, they saw her family broken up and now they see her bring a man with her father.
Joelle's p.o.v.
      " Landon," I smile and he shakes countless hands and hugs countless old women who can't seem to get over how cute he is.
     " Breakfast for you kids," my dad smiles and we all head out to the car.
        " Pancake house," Landon calls while smiling and my father turns to him.
      " It's our favorite," my dad proclaims and Landon smiles to me.
       " I know," he whispers. We head in and sit down in a booth. My dad and I order a stack of pancakes and Landon sticks to an omelet.
      " So, Landon, you're my daughters boss and her boyfriend. Unprofessional don't you think," he smiles and Landon matches his expression.
      "Very. She's a girl worth breaking rules for though," he winks over to me and I look at my dad.
     " How have you been dad," I ask and I look at him in the eyes. His leg has been acting up and he doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't want me to worry or pay for anything.
      " Fine Joe, fine," he looks at me intently and I look down at my food.
      " You have a limp dad, you can retire early and stay with me and what about those headaches? Are they getting worse," I Ask and he looks at his pancakes.
     " I have a damaged nerve Joe, I'm pretty sure it's from all the boxes, but I'm having surgery. As for you , I don't need you looking out for me. I'm suppose to look out for you," he calls and I I look up from my food.
     " You're having surgery and didn't tell me. Who's going to pay dad? Sometimes you need someone that looks out for you," I respond and he looks over to Landon.
      " Any family we can be meeting Landon," my dad turns to Landon and he looks at me and then to my dad.
      " Joelle has met my mother and brothers already sir. I'm sure you can meet them soon as well," he answers and I drink some water before looking at my dad.
       " Dad you can't put on this nonchalant speech and think everything's okay. I asked about the headaches and  I have no answer, I asked about mom and there is no answer, I let you meet my boyfriend and now you want answers from me," I breath out and Landon looks at me.
        " I don't know what the headaches are coming from and I don't know where your mother is. My nonchalant speech is to cover up the fact that I don't know and I don't want you to worry about that. Especially since you have a boyfriend that's here and I need to get to know," he answers and I look at my pancakes not hungry.
      " Yeah, some things can't be answered," I mumble and Landon looks at me and then to my dad.
      " You have a daughter that cares more about everyone else than herself sir. Her heart is huge and that's probably the only reason she gave me a chance because I'm far from a guy that deserves her, but I'm working on it. Joelle's the type of girl that you don't want to see hurt, I understand because I've done  everything I can not to hurt her. Although sometimes sir, the truth is needed to not hurt as bad in the long run,"  Landon calls and he's looking knowingly at my dad. He knows that he's keeping something. They are staring each other down. I want this all to stop. I want whatever Landon thinks he knows to be a lie, but looking at my dad I know it's at least some truth.
       " It's been a nice breakfast,"  my dad said putting money on the table and I look at the pancakes.
      " Great," I call out and Landon is still looking at my father.
       " I love you dad," I breath out and he looks at me.
    " I love you."
  Landon and I head back to his apartment and have this peaceful silence that helps us think. My mind is definitely racing and could use some silence to figure itself out or some noise so that I can just ignore everything.
" Your father is a good man, intentional," Landon says lightly and I look up to him.
" What is my father not telling me," I ask and he leans against the counter.
" I don't have the answers either babe. I just know when someone is lying, I know when their mind is conflicted," he calls and I go up to him so he can hug me. It's my moms birthday today. I don't plan on saying anything, I just try to ignore the heavy feeling that it brings.
" I want things to be okay, he's my best friend, the only person I've had in my life until now," I mumble and he kisses the top of my head.
" Let him take his time figuring out what needs to do ,"Landon calls.

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