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{I'm addicted to Rat Boy by e}


"I hope you don't mind if the sheets have stains. Usually the people who stay in this guest room can be pretty messy." I said, opening the door.

Greg was behind me, looking over at the slightly messy room.

"Listen, Calvin. I don't mind the few jizz stains from you or your friends as long as I can stay. You don't have girlfriend other than your hand." He said, walking into the room.

"Hey! You never know, I could have a boyfriend or girlfriend! Maybe I don't show them or talk about them!" I said.

Oh, Jesus Christ, did I really just-

"Wait, 'boyfriend or girlfriend', Calvin are you bi?"

No matter what I respond with, he's probably gonna tease me.

"Okay maybe I'm fucking bisexual!"

He instantly started laughing and fell onto the ground.

"What is up drama alert nation?! I'm your host, killer keemstarrrr! Let's get right into the news! Leafyishere is actually leafyisqueer, that's right. Calvin is bisexual!" He joked.

Why did I offer him to stay here? Why am I a good person? I'm too nice!

"Okay, kill yourself."

"I'm just joking, Calvin"

"About my sexuality? Which is perfectly normal!"

"It's a joke, just calm down."

"My parents called me a faggot, once I came out to them, Greg. I can't take it much as a joke."

"Look, I'm sorry. I never know when I 'cross the line' okay?"

"Trust me, I can tell" I said, rolling my eyes.

I sat on the bed. Greg sat next to me. His hand was touching mine. I felt a feeling that I haven't actually felt in some time.

"How can I make you forget about the stupid joke? I don't want to make you upset, Calvin. I mean, you are the person who's letting me stay over."

"I don't know, you don't have to do anything. I'll probably just forget about it." I said, looking up at him.

We ended up staring into each other's eyes. As we leaned in, I got a call.

I groaned, why? I don't fucking know.

Greg cleared his throat and looked the other way.

I grabbed my phone and answered it, not bothering looking at the Caller ID.


"Calvin?" A way too familiar male voice said.

I dropped my phone. I'm in shock.

"Calvin, are you alright?" Greg turned and asked.

"M-my ex boyfriend" I whispered.

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