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Calvin; hours after lol

Greg and I already uploaded our little update videos. I haven't seen the comments, but I'm pretty sure most of them are just in all caps saying 'OHMGFC CALVINS STARING AT GREG THE WHOLE TIME #LEAFNISION', or the classic 'cuck boy and reptile dude'. I want to see them, but I'm so nervous. Are they going to be good?

I'm in my room and god knows what Greg is doing. I've got nothing to do, so why not just hang around him... after looking at the comments.

I sat on my chair and got on my computer.

I searched for his channel and clicked on the video, and paused it. I scrolled down, saw the top comment.

'I wonder if they're fucking now'

What did I expect? This.

'Imagine Calvin sucking gregs dick or Greg sucking calvins dick'

Okay, no that's enough. I don't want to scroll down and see some full on fan fic.

I walked away from the computer and went into the guest room. I didn't bother knocking.

"Hey, do you want to get food or something? Don't worry, I'll pay."

"Yeah, sure, that would be great. Thanks."

"Alright, let's go."

"Is it fine if I can borrow a sweater? I think I didn't pack one." He said, looking through his bag.

"Yeah, that's fine. Don't worry, b- Greg"

I almost said babe.

I went into my room, he followed. I got him a black sweater and handed it to him.

He put it on and asked, "Where do u want to go eat?"

"Do you mind Chinese food?"

"I'm pretty sure I can order something there, so yeah let's get Chinese food"

We went downstairs and I got my keys.


Greg; at the place,,

The sweater has his scent. His sweater is so comfortable. I feel like I'm his boyfriend, who's always asking for a sweater. Okay, that was weird fuck.

He walked towards the table with the food and set it down.

I felt like I was being watched, I looked around.

Didn't see anything weird, honestly.

"What wrong?" Calvin said sitting down in front of me.

"It's nothing, don't worry. Thanks for the food. I owe youuu, how much?"

"Nothing. You don't owe me. I invited you to eat, so I'm paying."

I smiled at him. He's so nice, I wouldn't have expected this.

We started eating and started talking.

"Have you seen the comments on the video?" He asked, eating a spoonful of fried rice.

"No, have you? What did they say?"

He nodded, "they're all mostly about the ship".

Oh god.

We continued talking and laughing. It honestly felt like a date. A perfect one, something I haven't had in some time.


After eating, we went to the park for a small walk. The sun is setting, and it's starting to get a bit cold.

My phone started ringing, and of course it was Lainey.

"Sorry, I have to take this", I looked at Calvin.

I answered, "hello?"

"Are you seriously on a fucking date with him?"

"Wait, what?"

"The pictures Greg! You went out with leafy?! Did you not see the pictures?!" She yelled.

"Hold on. No, what pictures are you talking about? No, t-this isn't exactly a date. Yeah, I went to eat with Calvin."

"Go on fucking Twitter. We'll talk later. I'm with Billie right now."

She hung up.

"Calvin. I think someone saw us eating and tweeted pictures"

"Oh my god"

I went on Twitter and all of my mentions had the same three pictures.

First one, we were eating. Second, Calvin had his hand on my cheek. Oh gees. That's the time when he told me I deserved better, once we spoke about lain. Third, we were laughing.

Who could it have been?

I showed Calvin the pictures and we didn't have a clue who took them, obviously.

Well, there's nothing much to do about it.

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