Ch. 2: A new case

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Chapter 2:

"Sara, you have to be more careful!" John scolds me after finding my container of blood in their fridge.

I throw my hands up,"At first you thought it was Sherlock's! So apparently it's not that weird to have in there."

He sighs,"Yes, Sherlock is the one to fill the fridge with things like this, but if he finds this he will know he did not put it in there."

I roll my eyes,"He may be suspicious, but he is too clueless to ever find out my secret. I could straight up tell him and he still would not believe me."

John goes to argue but then stops and nods,"...Yeah, your probably right."

I laugh and take a sip from the container.

If you haven't realized it yet, I am a vampire. Yes, we are real. No, we do not sparkle. We live for centuries but do eventually die, and the sun does not kill least for awhile. It does give a nasty sunburn in minutes. We drink blood and need it to survive, but we can also eat normal food. We have immense strength and agility, as well as keen eyesight and hearing.

I met John a decade or so ago. He was in the military and I was scouting the batter fields for dinner. Freshly killed people everywhere, so why not take advantage of that. I actually saved him by killing his attacker and we became friends. I stayed with him for a couple months, of course his troop did not know, and we began a relationship. He did not care that I was a vampire, he accepted me. But we mutually ended our relationship because we liked each other as friends better.

I've been living with John and Sherlock for about a week now. It's been fun being with my old friend again, and annoying Sherlock is a bonus. They haven't had any new cases to solve and Sherlock has been acting like a child because of that. It's pretty funny though and kinda cute to be honest.

We hear the door slam open and in runs a man with grey hair. "Where's Sherlock?!" he questions.

Sherlock comes out of his room,"What do you need, Lestrade?"

"There has been twelve bodies found in a warehouse."

John's eyes widen,"All in the same place?"

Lestrade nods and looks to Sherlock,"We need your help."

Sherlock nods and smiles brightly, rubbing his hands together,"Just what I needed! Multiple homicides. Is it Christmas, John?"

My friend lets out a sigh,"I guess it is for you."

While Sherlock runs to his room to change out of his pajamas, John turns to me. "Sara, this is Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade. He is an inspector with New Scotland yard."

I nod and walk forward to shake Lestrade's hand. I smile,"I remember seeing your name in John's blog. Nice to meet you, I'm Sara Knightly."

He smiles,"Likewise," he glances from me to John and back again,"So, how do you know each other?"

"Sara is an old friend of mine," John tells him with a smile,"She is visiting London for the first time in years and is staying with us."

Lestrade barks a laugh,"I can't Imagine how it must be living with Sherlock. Why haven't you ran to a hotel yet?"

I smirk,"It's not that bad. To be honest, I think I annoy Sherlock more than he does me."

Sherlock returns and wraps a scarf around his neck. He looks at us,"What are you all doing? Stop standing around, there is finally something fun to do!"

We leave and meet up at the warehouse. Caution tape surrounds the building.

A dark skinned woman walks toward us. "Hey, freak," she greets Sherlock oh so nicely.

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