Ch. 26: I can't believe I'm doing this

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Chapter 26:

"I just got the news from Mycroft. How is he?" Tom pants as he rushes into the hall of the hospital.

"He is stable now," I tell him,"He woke up for a couple seconds but has fallen back asleep since."

He lets out a breath and falls into a chair. He runs his hands through his hair,"I knew his job was dangerous... but seeing him actually hurt makes it all so real. I wish he would have just taken a normal job."

I sit next to him and lay my hand on his shoulder,"But that isn't the Holmes way."

He gives a weak chuckle,"We seem to always find violence and danger, don't we?"

I nod,"And if I remember right, you were the one to put him in the hospital last time."

He glares at the floor,"I wasn't aiming on killing him," he then growls,"But he deserved it."

I sigh and shake my head,"Do you want to see him?"

He nods and stands. I let him go into Sherlock's room alone and wait for him outside.

He returns rather quickly.

"Was he still asleep?" I ask.

He nods and stands in front of me,"I just wanted to see that he was okay. I don't think he would be too happy to see me if he woke."

We stand in silence for a bit. Sounds of the bustling hospital surrounding us.

"...How have you been?" Tom hesitatingly asks.

I nod,"Good. I took a break in Italy for a few months, but I was called back by John."

He nods,"That's good."

Silence fills the air again.


I stop him,"I can't do this right now Tom," I spot John and Mary leaving Sherlock's room. "I'm sorry but..." I step away from him and walk to John.

"He's awake," John tells me.

I nod and rush into his room. Sherlock is sitting up in his bed, looking annoyed at all the wires connected to him.

"John, did you tell them to let me go yet..." he trails off when he sees me,"Sara?"

I step towards him and take a seat by his bed,"Hey. How do you feel?"

He scoffs,"Sore. I was shot." His eyes narrow and he glares at the wall, probably thinking about Mary.

"I know who shot you," I tell him.

His eyes shoot to me in surprise. "I found you just after you were shot," I continue,"I could smell Mary's scent all over the room."

He studies me with calculating eyes,"John said that you saved me. That I would have died before the paramedics arrived."

I nod,"...I gave you some of my blood. Just enough to heal your heart so that the doctors could get to you."

He narrows his eyes,"...I'm not a vampire, am I?"

I shake my head,"No. I made sure that you didn't turn."

He slowly nods, looking almost disappointed.

I lick my lips and ask,"What happened last night? Why did Mary shoot you?"

He let's out a sigh and gazes at the wall,"I walked into Magnussen's office to find her holding him at gun point," he tells me,"I assume he had information on her and she did not want John to find out. When I barged in, she realized she could not shoot him with me there. So she knocked Magnussen out and shot me, then she left."

I lean back in my chair,"So, who is she?"

Sherlock grits his teeth,"I don't know. Assassin maybe, covert op," he lets out a frustrated sigh,"She lied magnificently, had all of us fooled."

I nod,"She did. What are we going to do about her?" I ask,"Can I kill her?"

He shakes his head,"No. John would be devastated. Mary is a liar...but she still is John's wife, and our friend."

"Friend?!" I growl,"She almost killed you!"

"She had to. I don't agree with her ways, but she was just trying to protect John and herself."

I clench my hands into fists. 'I can't believe he is defending her!'

I calm myself and grip my knees. "What is your plan then?" I question.

He turns to me,"Get me out of here."


I can't believe I am doing this.

Sherlock leans against the wall, wincing in pain. We are waiting for John and Mary to come after us. Sherlock somehow convinced me to help him escape the hospital so we could reveal Mary's true self to John.

It sounded like a decent plan at the time, but seeing Sherlock in so much pain makes in not worth it. He is so stubborn though.

Quickly setting up a projection of Mary's face onto the fake building we are hiding out in, I then call John.

'Jesus, Sara!' he shouts through the phone,'Where are you? Is Sherlock with you?'

I sigh,"Yes, he is. Just come to the address I texted you and don't tell anyone else. Not Greg, not Mrs. Hudson, not even Mary. Come alone," I stress.

I hear him sigh,'Fine.'

He hangs up and I turn to Sherlock,"He is on his way."

He nods,"Good," he winces a bit and leans back against a wall.

I sigh and walk over to him,"How did you convince me to do this? You are only going to hurt yourself more."

"Because you... want John to know the truth... too," he groans out.

I hate to see him in so much pain, but he is right. John needs to know, the sooner the better.





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