Ch.59: Who to believe

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Chapter 59:

3rd person POV:

In the hall of Saint Caedwalla's hospital, John, Sara, and Tom wait with a nurse while Sherlock is in a nearby bathroom.

The nurse looks at John. "You involved much?" She asks.

He frowns at her,"Sorry?"

"Um, with Mr. Holmes– Sherlock and all his cases? And Sara too of course."

He nods,"Uh, yeah. I'm John Watson."

She nods, smiling thinly,"Okay."

"Doctor Watson," He adds.

"I love his blog, don't you?"

John looks slightly offended,"His blog?"

She frowns,"Oh, don't you read it?"

"You mean my blog."

Sherlock comes out of the nearby bathrooms. "Say what you like about addiction; the day is full of highlights." He says with a huge smile and dilated eyes.

Sara turns away, unable to stomach the sight of him like this. Tom lays a hand on her shoulder and gives a small, comforting smile.

The nurse smiles at him,"Oh, Mr. Holmes. You feeling better?"


The nurse turns around,"Oh, it's this way, then."

She leads them to a children's ward. Dozens of kids are sat around the room with a couple nurses as well, and Culverton stands before them.

"Right, here they come," Culverton announces,"You all know Sherlock Holmes and Sara Knightly!"

The children cheer and applaud.

Sara smiles and waves a bit awkwardly. She is not used to being around groups of people, especially children. Being a vampire, she is more used to hiding in the shadows.

Sherlock smiles widely at the children, feeling great from his high. "Hello!"

"Oh, and Doctor Watson, of course." Culverton adds.

The audience clap again, far less enthusiastically this time. John presses his lips together and sighs heavily. Tom meanwhile stays at the back, watching silently.

Culverton clears his throat,"Mr. Holmes, Ms.Knightly, we were all wondering if maybe you could tell us about some of your cases."

"No," Sherlock says instantly.

"Yes," John says after him.

Sherlock smiles," Yes! Absolutely, yes."

Sara bites her lip and nods,"Sure, why not."

Sherlock goes into lecture mode while Sara, Tom, and John drone him out.

'Why are we even here?' Sara thinks disgruntled. 'This man is playing with us. What is his deal? Is he pissed that Sherlock claims he is a serial killer? That can't be because he has gotten so much publicity. He is more famous then ever.' She sighs,'I just want to go home and get Sherlock sorted out. Every minute we wait he gets closer to death.'

"Mr Holmes?" Culverton interrupts Sherlock. "How do you catch a serial killer?"

Sherlock looks at him silently for a long moment before speaking. "Same way you catch any other killer."

"No, but most killers kill someone they know."

"Um, Mr Smith?" One of the nurses stutters,"Um, I-I'm just wondering. Maybe this isn't a suitable subject for the children."

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